쨍와타나, 군인 총격 부상

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쨍와타나, 군인 총격 부상

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쨍와타나 도로에 위치한 ToT 본사 건물 앞의 군인들이 새벽 1시 45분경 총격으로

왼쪽손과 오른쪽 다리, 왼발에 총격을 입어 병원으로 긴급 후송 되었다


A soldier was shot and wounded early Monday in front to the ToT head office on Chaeng Wattana road, according to Khaosod online.

He was identified as army Sgt Noppadon Wattanawongkhiri, attached to the Anti-Aircraft Division.

Sgt Noppadon was reportedly shot in the left hand, right leg and left foot.  He was taken by rescuers of a charity foundation to Mongkut Wattana Hospital for treatment.

There were no further details of the incident, which occurred about 1.45am accordng to Khaosod.  It was also not known if it was related to the current political violence.
