방콕인근 랏마욤 수상시장 위치요?

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·  현지 유심 사용 중 문의는 충전잔액, 데이터잔량 조회 후 내용 첨부하여 올려주세요.
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·  1일 2개까지 글쓰기(질문)가 가능합니다. 질문도 신중하게 정리해서 올려주세요~

방콕인근 랏마욤 수상시장 위치요?

왜요 2 5690
안녕하세요 태사랑 가입후 여러정보 유익하게 보고있습니다.
며칠후 방콕인근에 있다는 수상시장 '랏마욤'가려는데 주소가 '푸토몬톤 싸이능(1)'입니다.
방콕시내지도에서 동서남북 어느방향인지 알수 없어서요. 구글 검색도 쉽지안네요.요술왕자님
랏마욤 위치 대약 어디인지 아시면 알려주세요
이싸라 2012.12.25 14:41  
* 출처: http://www.travelfish.org/blogs/thailand/2012/10/07/bangkoks-khlong-lat-mayom-floating-market/

Khlong Lat Mayom is open from 09:00 to around 16:00 on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays only, and it gets packed around noon. It’s located off Kanchanaphisek Road (see map) and can be reached by a local bus (#146) and then a songthaew ride if you speak a little Thai. The easier bet is to take a taxi from Wongwian Yai BTS station, which will run somewhere around 120 baht one-way. You could negotiate for the taxi to stick around and return you to the sky train, but it’s probably not necessary as we noticed quite a few taxis readily available in the parking lot. The market can also be visited as part of a full-day Thonburi canal tour.
