태국어 로마자 표기

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태국어 로마자 표기

이싸라 1 696

태국어를 로마자로 표기





 소프트웨어: http://www.arts.chula.ac.th/~ling/tts/setupTRoman1.5.2.exe


  • The current version is 1.5.2, released in July 2014. This is the same as the previous version except that the interface is re-written with VB express. It is tested on Windows 7. 
  • To download the program, please click version 1.5.2, or previous verion (1.4), which is tested on older windows system.
  • When installing the setup problem, run the program by right-click the program and select "Run as administrator". 
  • If you have troubles installing this program on Windows systems, try the special version TRomanSE. Just extract the folder and run "tromanse.exe". The interface is written in PerlTK.
  • If ????? is shown when copy and paste Thai texts on the input box, please try setting "current language for non-unicode program" to be "Thai". This can be done in "Control Panel", "Region and Language", "Administrative", and "Change system locale”.  
  • If the program cannot run on Windows 64 bit system,  set the program properties like this.
  • Please report any bugs or mis-romanization to awirote@chula.ac.th
  • This program is free for personal use. To obtain a license for commercial uses, please contact CU's Intellectual Property Institute. 

The program uses the principle of romanization by transcription method as proposed by the Royal Institute. Please see the guidline below for further explanation. 
Guideline for Thai Romanization : English version,  Thai version
Examples : List of  Thai geographic names  

Written by Wirote Aroonmanakun. Copyright 2001-2003 

This project is supported by a grant from the Thailand Research Fund and the Commission on Higher Education (2003-4). 
โครงการนี้ได้รับทุนสนับสนุนจาก  ทุนพัฒนาศักยภาพในการทำงานวิจัยของอาจารย์รุ่นใหม่ สกว. ร่วมกับ สำนักงานคณะกรรมการการอุดมศึกษา ปี 2546-7

yoon3749 2018.07.25 15:33  
태국어 로마자 표기 정보 감사합니다. thai romanization