카오야이 국립공원 가는 방법에 대해..

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카오야이 국립공원 가는 방법에 대해..

응가돌 8 645
안녕하세요 이번에 남자2명이서 방콕여행을 갈려고 합니다.

저희가 첫번째로 갈 목적지는 카오야이 국립공원인데 가기가 참 애매하네요

비행기 오후 9시반에 공항에 도착하는데

바로 모칫에 가서 카오야이국립공원근처 도시(이름이 기억이 안나네요)의 그린리프 게스트하우스에서 하루 묵고

그담날 1일 투어 할려고 하는데 가능할까요?

아니면 방콕에 하루를 묵고 가는게 좋을련지..

조언 부탁드립니다!
망고찰밥 2017.02.05 18:59  
제가 얼마전 그 green leaf 게스트하우스  갔었는데요 그 밤중에 그곳까지 가는 교통편은 없다고 봅니다. 다음날 가세요.
머칫에서 버스타고 빡청으로 갑니다. 빡청 TOPS Supermarket앞에서 카오야이가는 썽태우 타고 Green leaf 게스트하우스에 내립니다.
응가돌 2017.02.05 19:11  
답변 감사합니다!
아무래도 그 다음날 가야겠군요

한가지 더 여쭤볼게 있는데..
그런데 혹시 야간 반나절 투어도 하셨나요?

하셨다면 후기가 궁금합니다 할지 안할지 고민하고 있습니다 ㅎㅎ
클래식s 2017.02.05 19:16  

야간에 바로 빡총 가시는 방법은 택시 뿐입니다.
 공항근처에서 1박하세요. 통타나 공항게스트하우스에서요.


근처 버스정류장에서 북부터미널까지 517번이 다닙니다. 북부터미널가서 버스 타시고 빡총 버스정류장 내리시고요. 그린리프 사장님한테 전화나 라인연락 계속 하셔서 픽업요청하세요. 오후 2시까지만 도착하시면 그날 15시 오후 투어 나갈수 있습니다.
응가돌 2017.02.05 19:22  
답변 감사합니다!

공항근처에 자는것도 고려해봐야겠네요

한가지 더 궁금한게 있는데

1일 투어 하고 그날 방콕 돌아오는게 가능할까요?

일정상 그래야하는데 ㅠㅜ
클래식s 2017.02.05 19:31  
가능합니다. 많은 관광객들이 그렇게 합니다.
도징이 2017.02.05 19:40  
Dear Sir/Madam
Thank you very much for your mail. Our rooms and tours are still available
for that period. Our double room with fan and private bathroom but no hot
water cost 300 Baht per a night. We apologize that we have no twin room
in our guest house. This price does not include breakfast. We do provide
food at the guesthouse and there are many local restaurants nearby.

If you are looking for an AC room with hot shower, we recommend "Ruen mai
Gnam Resort" where you can only walk for 2 minutes from our guest house.
Their regular double or twin room cost 600 Baht/night with no breakfast.
You can check for their photo at http://www.ruenmaingam.com/roomrate.php

The one and a half day tour costs 1,500 Baht per person. This price
includes the park entrance fee (400 baht/person), lunch during the full
day trip, drinking water, leech socks, transportation and the professional
guidance of our tour guide.

The half day tour runs from 3 to 7 pm and the full day tour from 8 am until
7 pm. The full day tour alone costs 1300 Baht per person. The half day tour
costs 500 Baht per person.

Because it is a half day, we depart at 3 pm from the guesthouse. The latest
time for you to show up at Pakchong station should be 2.30 pm, because it
is a 25 minutes drive from the station to our guesthouse.

During the half day tour, we will visit a natural water spring, an
underground cave and a bat cave where you will see over a million bats.
This program runs outside the National Park and the program is quite easy.
Sometimes we do have more than 10 people in one group.

On the full day tour, we go to Khao Yai National Park. We'll go trekking
for 2-3 hours (on the trail of km33.) in the morning, and visit Haew Suwat
waterfall in the afternoon. But we don't go to Haew Narok Water Fall.
Around 4 pm we'll drive around the elephant's zone to search for wild
elephants. We can't guarantee that we'll see them but we try to do our
best for you. We try to show you all kind of animals that live in Khao Yai
NP such as gibbons, horn bills, macaques, snakes, etc.

We don't have a night safari program. You can only do this program with
the park ranger. The maximum is 14 people per a group for the full day

Please note that we don't do much walking. In case that you would like to
do more walk than going around the park by the truck. Then we do highly
recommence you to visit the park by your own. You can hire a park ranger
at the visitor center for some long hike.

What do you need to bring when you join our 1.5 day program ?
1. Long Trousers ,we are not recommence you take a short plant for our trip.
2. Closed shoes ,we also not recommence any one to take any flipflop or
sandals. We apologize to not accept your reservation if you have no closed
3. Swimming gears and towel only for half day tour program. Please note
that all water fall in the national park are not allow to take a swim.
4. Torch or some flash light for the under ground cave.
5. Rain Jacket if you come to visit the park during the rain season.

You don't need to pay a deposit. You can pay by cash after the whole trip.
We apologize that we don't accept any credit cards or foreign currency.

How to get to Pakchong from Bangkok ?
By bus, the bus leave every hour from Bangkok Northern Bus Station/Moh
Chit Bus station. You can buy a ticket from the ticket counter number 41.
Its cost 150 Baht per a person. You could take around 3 hours from Bangkok
to Pakchong.
By train, you can check for the train time table for a train to Pakchong at
http://www.thairailways.com/img/northeast.gif But please note that the trains
are always delay. Then you may at least one hour extra for the journey.
By minivan, in fact we don't really advice anyone to take a public minivan
when you are travel in Thailand. Because the minivan always drive very
fast and it was very dangerous.

The room reservation and pick up service from Pakchong bus or train
station can be organized only when you join our 1.5 day tour or at least a
one full day tour program.

Our pick up service can be available from 7 am till 9 pm. In case that you
would arrive after 9 pm then we apologize to ask you to stay over night in
Pakchong for one night first. We can arrange a pick up service for you on
the next day morning.

For more information or confirmation please feel free to contact us again
by email. Please note that we will not appreciate any discount request.
Yours sincerely,
도징이 2017.02.05 19:41  
그린리프와 주고받은 메일 중 제 질문에 답해준 메일을 공유합니다.
토치는 주고요~ 개인적으로 망원경을 가지고 가시기를 추천합니다~!!