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방콕에서 태국 전통 남성 옷?

성균관 2 1480

8월에 태국가는 20대 후반 남성입니다

해외여행 갈 때마다 현지 전통의상을 구입해 입곤 합니다


태국 방콕에도 현지 남성들이 입는 의상 같은 게 있나요?

한복처럼 꼭 '전통'까진 아니어도

그나라 사람들이 즐겨입되 우리나라에서는 볼 수 없는 의상 같은 거면 좋습니다


만약 그런 의상이 있다면



1. 그 옷의 이름은 무엇입니까? 인터넷으로 의상 사진을 미리 볼 수 있습니까?


2. 방콕 내 어디서 구매할 수 있습니까?


3. 가격은 어느 정도 생각하면 좋을까요?




방콕에서 1주일 가량 있을 거라 맞춤복이라면 시간이 아슬아슬할 것 같습니다.


이 쪽 방면에 아시는 분들의 답변 부탁드립니다.

이싸라 2014.07.30 18:07  

Formal chut thai for men

Former Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva wearing the phraratchathan
The men's national costume is known as suea phraratchathan (เสื้อพระราชทาน Thai pronunciation: [sɯ̂a.pʰrá.râat.tɕʰa.tʰaan], lit. royally bestowed shirt). It was designed to serve as a national costume by royal tailors including Chupat Chuto, Phichai Watsanasong, and Sompop Louilarpprasert for King Bhumibol Adulyadej in 1979, and was subsequently given to General Prem Tinsulanonda, then the Minister of Defense, to promote and wear in public.[1][2] Prem has remained the shirt's most recognised wearer, although it has been adopted by many, especially politicians and civil officials, on special occasions. Many have begun wearing the shirt for ceremonies such as their own weddings.

The shirt shares the appearance of the raj pattern jacket, which itself is an older widely adopted (in Thailand) version of the Nehru jacket. The suea phraratchathan is specified as having a standing (Mandarin) collar 3.5 to 4 centimetres in height, being slightly tapered at the sides, hemmed at the edges of the collar, placket and sleeves, with five round flat buttons covered with a material identical or similar to that of the shirt. It should have two outer pockets at the front, at a level slightly higher than the lowermost button, may have a left-sided breast pocket, and may either be vented or not. The shirt comes in three varieties: short-sleeved, long-sleeved, and long-sleeved with a sash, which range from the least to most formal, respectively. The long-sleeved versions should have 4 to 5 centimetres-wide cuffs of the same material as the shirt, and the sash, when used, should be knotted at the left side. The shirt is worn with trousers as would be with a suit jacket.

성균관 2014.08.03 11:17  