법의학박물관 200B로 올랐나요!??! 원래 40B라던데..

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법의학박물관 200B로 올랐나요!??! 원래 40B라던데..

뿌숑 3 1761
어떤분 여행기 보니까 입장료가 올라서 200B라던데...ㅠㅠ
법의학박물관 200B로 올랐나요!??! 원래 40B라던데..
어떤게 맞나요?!!!?ㅠㅠ
최근에 가신분 안계시나요?!!?
요술왕자 2013.09.06 09:54  
40밧은 현지인 요금인 듯하네요.
그 위에 보면 공지사항으로 다음과 같이 올라가고 있습니다.

Siriraj Medical Museum will be closed from 13.00 pm on 9th August 2013.. Sorry for any inconvenience. Contact tel. +66 2419 2618-9

1. Conbination Tickets (Siriraj Medical Museum and Siriraj Bimuksthan Museum)
• Foreigner 300 baht • Adult 150 Baht now discont 100 Baht • Child 50 Baht now discont 30 Baht
2. Single Ticket (Siriraj Medical Museum or Siriraj Bimuksthan Museum)
 • Foreigner 200 baht • Adult 80 Baht • Child 25 Baht
This rate becom effective since 1 July, 2013. open Mon, Wed-Sun from 10.00 am.- 5.00 pm. Contact tel. +66 2419 2618-9

  The Parasitology Museum is
Open Now.
Contact tel. +66 2419 2618-9

  Siriraj Medical Museum and Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital would like to cordially invite residents and individuals. Experience a new dimension in viewing the exhibition are our audio players with 2 portable languages. On this latest technology, viewers can select specific audio lecture, availability independently.
Protocol Service
1. a rental fee of 200 baht for each.
2. The deposit of an official ID/Passport..


Prehistoric Museum and Laboratory changes the new opening time to 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 1 p.m.- 5 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday – Friday except Thursday, Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday.

Mini exhibition "Fling the color on the mini naughty animals" To magnify and take the snapshots of some micro creatures, then dye them with the new colors are from the parasitic scientist's viewpoint. Discover the micro creatures of the World at Siriraj Medical Museum, 2nd fl., Adulate Building, during Sep. 24, 2007 - Jan. 31, 2008 on Monday - Saturday except Sunday and Public Holidays from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
More information tel. +66 2419 2618-9
날자보더™ 2013.09.06 10:55  
많이 올랐네요 3년 전에 50밧 내고 들어갔었는데..