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파타야 뉴스를 읽다가...

료(Ryo) 3 761

파타야관련 신문을 보다가 한국인이 워킹에서 지갑을 찾았다는 내용과 함께 1,000밧을 주고 70년대 사진을 찍은 것이 나왔네요 ^^

나중에 시간나실때 한번 보세요...

료(Ryo) 2007.09.27 18:26  
  <p>안좋은 기사도 있네요..</p><p><b>Breasts are a private part of the body A rumpus broke out in Star Dice disco after a foreigner went over the top on the taking of liberties front. </b><table class=newsPic cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width=200 align=left border=0><tbody><tr><td><b><img title=News-5 style="PADDING-RIGHT: 4px; PADDING-LEFT: 4px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 4px; PADDING-TOP: 4px" src="http://www.pattaya2day.com/newman/gfx/news/25-News-5.jpg" /><br /></b><span class=txtSub style="WIDTH: 200px; TEXT-ALIGN: center"></span></td></tr></tbody></table>Disco staff singer Miss Mutchata Pankeaw, aged 32, explained to concerned police lieutenant colonel Chaiyaporn Thongn- apeng that she was doing her job with the microphone when Korean national Lim Jung Yong, also just 32, came in with a group of friends also from the divided peninsula. Miss Mutchata said she could see at once Mr Lim was the worse for wear for drink and decided not to concentrate on throwing her voice in his direction. However, Mr Lim indicated it was his birthday and that he wanted her to sing at his table in celebration of this significant “rite de passage” in his life. Actually, this kind of thing is quite common in discos and allows the customer to feel important. <br /><br />But as Miss Mutchata started to sing, Mr Lim got up and kneaded her breasts like dough which caused her to cry out in pain and shock. Even as the Korean looked surprised, she called out in a hue and cry fashion and ordered all the lights to be switched on. As soon as police arrived, they took statements from various witnesses who had seen what had happened and were absolutely gobsmacked. Mr Lim was taken to Pattaya police station for legal processing where he sobered up in no time at all. He said he had no wish to offend public decency but had heard that Pattaya was a no-holds-barred destination. Given the sheer weight of hostile testimony piling up on the interrogator’s table, the tourist decided to pay a whopping fine before disappearing into the night as a much wiser guy. <br /></p>
경기랑 2007.09.29 15:43  
  잘 봤습니다,,,, 료님
촛불하나 2007.10.01 23:18  
  그러게,,좀 창피시럽군요..버끔부끄럼곳 잠시 만지고 벌금을 얼마나 냈을라나요....<br />태국기자가 기분이 많이 상했나보네요..대한민국을...<br />분단된 반도라고 표현한걸 보니...그래도 좀 심한거 아닌가요?<br />개인의 잘못을 가지고 국가를 모독하는 표현을 하다니..(제가 오바하는 건가요?)<br />암튼...각성합시다../