파타야 시티뉴스 - 해석은 알아서 능력껏

홈 > 소모임 > 팟사모

파타야 시티뉴스 - 해석은 알아서 능력껏

료(Ryo) 4 1297

Bag containing nearly 700,000 Baht stolen from Korean Tourists on Pattaya Third Road.

Just after 11.30 on Monday Night a group of South Korean’s including an apparent well known movie star, made a complaint at Pattaya Police Station regarding a bag snatch which had just taken place at the central section of Pattaya Third Road. Police Lieutenant Colonel Sumreun took up the case and was told by Miss Choi Miryun aged 42 that a bag containing 6,800 Baht, 200,000 Korean Won and 20,000 US Dollars and personal items was taken by a Thai Man who drove beside the group as they were walking along the street. A description of the man was given to Police along with details of his motorbike, however Police have informed the group to expect not to see their cash and valuables again.



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아 심 2008.05.08 00:34  
  휴우<br />
일일금주 2008.05.08 14:24  
  dma,,,.돈 많은거만 읽어 지는군,,,,,ㅋㅋㅋ
한백울림 2008.05.09 16:29  
  <p>파타야에서 한국 관광객이 2천6백만원이넘는 돈을 오토바이 소매치기 당했답니다.<br />태국경찰은 아마도 못찾을것 같다고 하는군요....</p><p>*그런데... 관광객이 2천만원을 어찌 가지고 나갈수 있을까요?</p>
바람_ 2008.06.15 18:39  
  안녕하세요. 촌부리의 크리스탈베이에 가끔가는데 여기는 처음 들어왔습니다. 아직 파타야에는 한번도 가 본적이 없지만 갈 일이 있을 것 같고 관심도 많아서 자주 들리게 될 것 같습니다.<br /><br />2만불 이야긴데, 위 기사는, 한사람이 아니라 a grou of south<br /> korean이라 나오네요. 사진에는 세 명인 것 같은데....