[속보-방콕사태] 정부군 장갑차로 강제진압 개시

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[속보-방콕사태] 정부군 장갑차로 강제진압 개시

간큰초짜 2 721
속보기사가 떠 퍼왔습니다.

5.18 같은 역사가 되지 않기를 간절히 바랍니다.
(속보라 원문 그대로 올립니다...흠흠...사실 해석이 안돼서...)

기사출처 : 코리아헤럴드(http://www.koreaherald.com/national/Detail.jsp?newsMLId=20100519000403)

Thai armoured vehicles began smashing down the anti-government protesters' main barricade near the business district in Bangkok on Wednesday, news reports have said.

Thai soldiers fire torawds anti-government protesters near a barricade on Wednesday May 19, 2010 in Bangkok, Thailand. Thai troops opened fire Wednesday into the fortified encampment of anti-government protesters in downtown Bangkok, ramming armored vehicles into its tire-and-bamboo barricade in what appears to be a final crackdown after a week of deadly clashes. (AP-Yonhap News)
AP said two Thai armored vehicles have toppled the tire-and-bamboo barricade of an encampment where anti-protesters are holed up in downtown Bangkok.

Bamboo spears splintered and tires scattered as the army vehicles repeatedly rammed the barricade, it said.

AFP said witnesses saw at least three protesters shot and wounded, while inside the fortified encampment Reds leaders rallied thousands of supporters still inside including many women and children.

#2010-05-19 16:40:24 그냥암꺼나에서 이동 됨]
옌과제리 2010.05.19 13:36  

이래저래 큰걱정뿐입니다..

오늘이 디데이라고하는데.. 잘해결되기만을 기다려봅니다..

tourstage 2010.05.19 14:16  

잘해결되길 바랍니다.
