Panithan denies govt plans to use force to break up rally Monday(번역요망ㅠ)

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Panithan denies govt plans to use force to break up rally Monday(번역요망ㅠ…

hiaroz 0 444
Deputy PM's Secretary-General Panithan Watanayakorn Thursday denied the government planned to use force to break up the red-shirt demonstration at Rajprasong on Monday.

Panithan said the red-shirt leaders were spreading the false rumours of the crackdown to try to retain the demonstrators' support for the rally.

Panithan said the government estimated that about 30,000 protesters joined the rally Wednesday night and the number of the demonstrators dropped to 3,000 Thursday morning.

The Nation - 14:36PM

'Panithan Watanayakorn이 월요일 Rajprasong에서 레드셔츠들을 해산시키기 위해 병력을 사용하고자하는 정부의 플랜을 부정했다'는게 요지인듯하네요. 이거원 영어가 짧아서;;

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