로이 엣 사원, 3명 사망 28명 부상
로이 엣 주의 수완나품 지역 멀 람(mor lam) 전통축제를 준비하던 무대 앞에서
새벽 3시 40분 경 새 사원 건축을 축하하는 공연을 보고 있던 수 많은 사람들이 폭탄
폭발로 3명이 사망하고 28명의 부상자가 발생하는 사건이 발생하였다.
부상자 중 2명은 중상인 것으로 알려지고 있다.
Three people were killed and 28 wounded, two of them seriously, by a bomb explosion in front of a stage for a traditional mor lam performance in Suwannaphum district of Roi Et province early on Tuesday, reports said.
Permanent health secretary Dr Narong Sahamethapat said the explosion occurred about 3.40am while a large number of people were watching the mor lam performance celebrating a new temple building at Wat Ban Talaew in tambon Na Yai of Suwannaphum district.
The explosion killed three civilians and wounded 28 others. Medical teams were dispatched from the provincial head office to provide treatment at the scene.
Ten of the wounded, five men and five women, were admitted to the provincial hospital. Of the ten, two men, aged 32 and 35, were in a serious condition.