태국, 입국세 500바트 도입 검토
2013.10.21 17:28
태국 정부는 외국인 관광객에 대하여 입국세 도입을 적극
검토하고 있으며, 이르면 내년 1월 시행될 것 이라고 밝혔다
입국세를 부과하면 지금 처럼 무분별하게 유입되는 외국인
관광객이 우수한 관광객들로 선별될 것을 기대 하고 있다.
3일 미만의 입국자는 30바트/일
3일 이상의 입국자는 500바트
공항을 통하여 입국시 500바트
육로를 통하여 입국시 30바트/일
현재 태국내 불법체류하고 있는 외국인 수는 대략 10만명 정도로 추산하고 있다.
태국 호텔협회는 태국 관광산업에 큰 타격을 줄 것이라고 우려하고 있다.
B500 foreigner-entry fee on the table
- Published: 21 Oct 2013 at 12.48
- Online news: Local News
The government is considering a plan to charge foreigners a 500-baht entry fee from January next year, according to Public Health Minister Pradit Sintavanarong.
Mr Pradit said on Sunday that officials from the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, the Ministry of Public Health and the Royal Thai Police had discussioned the matter and all agreed with the idea.
They expected the extra charge would lead to an increase in the quality of tourists entering Thailand, he said.
"The tourism and sports minister (Somsak Phurisrisak) told me that every other country is collecting entry fees from foreigners," Mr Pradit said.
"The money will be used for many purposes by the tourism, health and foreign affairs ministries, and the Immigration Bureau."
The health ministry would gather relevant information and help the Ministry of the Interior in legislating the law. The collected fees would go into the national budget coffers before they are transferred to different agencies, he said.
He expected the new entry charge would take effect from Jan 1, but it could be put off to mid-January because there would be many tourists entering the country at that time and they might get confused, he said.
The government is considering a B500 entry fee for foreign tourists, claiming it will keep out the trash, but the feedback from the tourism sector is all negative.(Photo by Pornprom Satrabhaya)
When reporters asked him if the plan could backfire and result in fewer tourist arrivals, Mr Pradit said the tourism ministry did not oppose the plan.
"Now is the time for us to have quality tourists. It's not as if inbound tour operators won't organise tours for foreign tourists to come to the country because of the entry fees," the health minister said.
Foreigners who stay in Thailand no more than three days would be charged 30 baht a day, while those who stay more than three days would have to pay 500 baht, he said.
According to reports, foreigners who arrive at airports would be charged 500 baht, while those who enter the country by land would be charged 30 baht a day.
The scheme would also prevent foreigners staying in the country after their visas have expired. There are about 100,000 foreigners in Thailand whose visas have expired but they refuse to leave the country, the reports said.
Samphan Panphat, adviser to the Thai Hotels Association (THA), said he disagreed with the 500-baht entry fee. It lacked transparency and would significantly hurt the tourism industry.
Authorities should specify the nationalities of tourists who might pose problems to Thailand, because there are many tourists from other countries who do not create problems when they come here, he said.
"The government should be take serious steps to solve the problems in the country and to improve the quality of tourism here. Then things will improve," Mr Samphan said.
Sitdiwat Cheevarattanaporn, chairman of the Association of Thai Travel Agents (Atta), took the same tone, saying it is not a good move and not in line with the government's plan to promote tourism.
"The plan will affect the tourism industry, both in the short run and the long run, because tourists will feel bad about Thailand and they may feel they are being cheated," Mr Sitdiwat said.
Porntip Hirunket, vice chair of the Tourism Council of Thailand, said collecting entry fees from foreigners would dampen the tourism atmosphere.
Authorities should do a better job of screening tourists, enforcing the existing laws and preventing tourists from being conned, she said.