금년 뎅기열 감염자 120,000명을 기록할 듯 ( 7월 8일자 방콕포스트 인터넷판)

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금년 뎅기열 감염자 120,000명을 기록할 듯 ( 7월 8일자 방콕포스트 인터넷판)

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금년 뎅기열 감염자 120,000명을 기록할 듯 (방콕포스트 인터넷판)

Dengue cases could hit 120,000

The Public Health Ministry is launching a campaign to fight a sharp upsurge in dengue fever, which officials fear could hit a record high of 120,000 cases this year, reports said Monday.
In the past week, 5,276 new dengue fever cases and six deaths have been recorded throughout the country, with the highest concentration of cases in the northern region, state broadcaster MCOT reported.
Public Health Minister Pradit Sintavanarong said the campaign will employ more than a million volunteers from July 10-17 to combat mosquitoes in residential areas, schools and temples while educating people about the disease.
A file photo of the Aedes mosquito, which transmits the virus that causes dengue fever.
Dengue, also called haemorrhagic fever, is transmitted by the Aedes mosquito, which thrives in places where stagnant water is present, such as old tyres or empty bottles and in wet bathrooms and water tanks.
Opas Karnkavinpong, deputy director general of the Department of Disease Control, said it was working to keep the number of infections below 100,000 this year, but it could reach as high as 120,000.
There have been 59,318 reported cases and 68 deaths so far this year.
For the whole of 2012, 74,250 people were infected with the disease nationwide, with 79 deaths, according to the Department of Disease Control.
Dengue has been on the rise for several years in Southeast Asia, but health officials have warned that recent cases reported in such diverse locations as Madeira, Portugal, Nice, France, and Miami, Florida, could be attributed to global warming and the consequent expansion of breeding grounds for Aedes mosquitoes.
짜장밥 2013.07.17 13:35  
역시나 태국은 미개하고 못사는 동남아 후진국이라서 위생상태가 엉망입니다. 역시나 우리나라는 동남아 태국보다 잘사는 선진국입니다.
aRun 2013.07.19 12:27  
이 분.. 어제 본 글이 하도 기막혀 평소 올리지도 않던 댓글 올리고 그 반응을 기다렸더니 게시물은 없어지고.. 소심한 호기심에 글 쓴거 조회하니 다 이런 태국인 비방댓글 뿐이네요.
최근 게시물이라지만.. 7/17 하루에 다 올라온거 보면.. 그 날 무슨 안좋은 일이 있으셨나본데요? -_- 상황에 따른 분노와 비판은 있을 수 있어도.. 이런식의 비방은 좀 거슬립니다. 본인의 신념을 가지는 건 좋지만 말입니다.