Writing this in Chiang Mai

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Writing this in Chiang Mai

Cal 1 987

Sorry for writing this in English!

This seems to be the only allowed language in this internet cafe except for Thai, which I cannot even say 'I cannot type Korean' in.:)

There were some news of demonstrations and riots in the southern part of Thailand as I know of when I arrived this country. Then, I heard a rather disturbing news on TV about the furious riot in Bangkok this morning.

It seems like a news from another country to someone in Chiang Mai, which is located in the northen part of Thailand, maybe because the atmosphere here is so different from that of somewhere else, very peaceful and quiet as always.

I hope that even in Bangkok, it would be a sporadic and very local-bound phenomenon

(seems like I am speaking of some disease, while I am not).

Come to think of it, Thailand is literally "amazing" Thailand as they say in the national advertisements.

There have been so many coup d'etats but this country has always survived, even not having been governed by any other country in 20th century.

So far, a live report from a member who is spending her summer vacation in Thailand!

See you all in Korea soon, safe and sound!

김이박 2008.09.03 13:15  
  Graceful English. Enjoy your summer holidays.