[Chiangmai] Ziplines which is not that interesing.

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[Chiangmai] Ziplines which is not that interesing.

괜찮나요 4 2298
(I'm sorry I can't type korean.)
Don't even think about that unless you're under 12 years old.
I took the most famous one, Eagle track zipline.
It has 3 kinds, bronze, silver and gold package.
I paid about 2300THB for the gold package. It takes about 1.5hours only for the activity.
I mean you need more time for pick-up and lunch
One european traveler recommended this company.
I think she really enjoyed it.
And this company works fine.
But, the problem is......
This was not exciting as much as I expect.
I'm not a kind of person who can ride The Viking in Everland.
Not for more than half of them.
Just after 10 minutes later, I was reallly bored in Ziplines.
It seems to be similar with the activities which I did at my school camping.
(When I was in the elementary school.)
However, If you travel with kids It's still a good idea.
Whether it is good or not, always depends on the person.
Many travelers recommend this, especially If you read the articles in tripadvisor.
I wrote this.
Because I wanted to tell someone who missed this activity not to feel disappointed.
뇽뇽죽겠징 2013.05.27 18:34  
hi mate .

im just wondering about your after readed it your text .

(i can not speak english very well sorry.. ^_^ )

what is the meaning of zipline.

is this amusement park? or something ?

and .. are you korean? or thai? or someone?
괜찮나요 2013.05.27 18:58  
I am a korean.
I couldn't find any way to type some korean in this internet cafe.
You can Jump off or walk between the trees wearing some lines around your thighs and body on the tall trees.
스트로베리써덕션 2013.05.28 16:19  
I am the one who really wanted to do that activity but couldn't coz of the agency staff who made a mistake on my request.
Blamed her a lot. hahaha!
As you said, it always depends on the person whether it's exciting or not.
Or it also depends on the company with whom you are enyoying the journey I think.
It's really a shame that you didn't like it
But me? still miss Zipline I couldn't make, and hope to experience that someday soon :)
thank you for your story anyway.
You must be irritated but another good thing will wait for you, cheer up!!
괜찮나요 2013.06.04 23:45  
지금은 한국에 왔는데,
zipline은 마사지 배우다가 금방 기억저편으로 넘어갔답니다.
지나면 다 추억이지요^^