2018 여신 림꼬니아오 기념일

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2018 여신 림꼬니아오 기념일

이싸라 3 553
Lim Ko Niao Goddness celebration 2018
(เจ้าแม่ลิ้ม กอเหนี่ยว)

*기간: 2018.02.25 - 2018.03.05
*장소: 빳따니시 차이나타운
*이벤트: 불 위를 걷기 & 강물 건너기

This Chinese-style shrine in Pattani town is dedicated to a local Chinese heroine, Chao Mae Lim Ko Niao, who is especially respected by the Chinese residents of Pattani. The shrine houses a wooden statue of the goddess and sculptures of other Chinese religious figures. Legend says Lim Ko Niao was a Chinese girl who came to what was then Siam, looking for her brother Lim To Khiam, who had married the daughter of the Pattani governor and had converted to Islam. When she could not find her brother, she felt so disappointed at failing in her mission that she hung herself from a cashew nut tree. When her brother heard of her suicide, he buried her at the site on which the Pattani people later built the shrine to commemorate her dedication to family. They carved her statue from the wood of the cashew tree. On the first day of the third lunar month every year, a colorful procession winds through the town carrying the statue of the Lim Ko Niao to the shrine. Activities include fire-walking in front of the shrine, light and sound presentations, dragon and lion dancing and swimming across the river at nearby Dechanuchit Bridge.

The shrine is located on A No Ru Road in Pattani town.

The shrine, also known as the Leng Chu Kiang Shrine, is open daily 8.00 am-5.00 pm. More information about the shrine and the procession is available at 0 7352 2411.

*출처: https://www.tourismthailand.org/Attraction/Chao-Mae-Lim-Ko-Niao-Chinese-Shrine-or-Leng-Chu-Kiang-Shrine--1113
클래식s 2018.02.09 11:26  
구글맵에서 gps 좌표를 알고 싶은 포인트를 더블클릭하시면 아래에 좌표가 뜹니다.

아래 뜬 좌표를 누르시면 2개의 좌표형식이 다 나옵니다.

클래식s 2018.02.09 11:27  
GPS 좌표 변환 방법 (60진법 좌표를 10진법 좌표로 변환)
이싸라 2018.02.09 14:10  
설명 감사합니다. 제가 원하는 앱이 있어서 설치해서 사용합니다...
Latitude logitude라는 앱이 제게는 편하더군요... 제가 원하는 gps 좌표 위치를 지정할 수 있어서요...