dtac 인터넷 요금제 신청이 안됩니다 도와주세요!!
태국에 와서 태국 현지 친구가 유심을 사서 신청해줬는데...
dtac 인터넷 사용을위해 *104*884*9# 을 누르니..
Sorry, your number has already subscribed for Internet unlimited FUP1.5GB/wifi/7Days. Please subscribe again after the current one has expired. You can check your expiry date by dialing *101*1*9#
Your happy tourist sim via 00400 on-top promotion for this usage period is valid before 00:00 on 15-Oct-16 and you have 5 remaining usage period(s),
Your Internet unlimited FUP1.5GB/wifi/7Days on-top promotion for this usage period is valid before 00:00 on 22-Sep-16 and you have 11 remaining usage period(s),
In this cycle, you have used Internet 1.00MB from maximum speed allowance 1.50GB of your on-top package.
라고 뜹니다.
그래서 요금 조회를 하니 아래 첨부 처럼 요금은 넉넉하고요..
왜안되는 걸까요 도와주세요!!!ㅠㅠ