태국에 있는 호텔에 취직하는 것..

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태국에서 살기

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태국에 있는 호텔에 취직하는 것..

김구니 4 719

지금 국내 메이저 리조트중에.. 일한 경력이(한 1년6개월) 태국에서

어느정도 통하나요??

호텔 관련 쪽에서 일하고 싶은데요...

물론 태국어는 열심히 공부해야겠죠~~

마이웨이 2007.09.04 05:01  
  태국 호텡에서 일하는 한국직원을 본적이 없습니다.드물겁니다.그리고 임금은 아마 태국수준으로 주겠죠..초봉 30000바트정도면 아주 후할겁니다
johnju 2007.09.04 13:53  
  하하.. 저 태국 호텔에서 일합니다. ^__^;;
일자리 찾기가 엄청 힘들긴 하네요.. ㅎㅎ
윤순현 2007.09.04 18:03  
  한국내 리조트 전문으로 하는 여행사에서 현지 유명 리조트 한국인 G.R.O 를 구합니다,, 한번 알아보세요
Sunny 크라비 2007.09.14 12:24  
  usually hotel needs career over 2 years if the candidate's major is not Hospitality. but 1 year should be ok for Korean. you should speak English quite well but Thai language is not really required.
if you find hotels in Thailand, you can get almost same salary with Thai staff. for example, 8,000B~13,000B (per month as a reception) and every hotel has monthly service charge as well.
if it's 5 star hotel or resort, and famouse place like Phuket, service charge will be around 20,000B in high season, about 10,000B in low season.

if you get a job in the hotel through tour agency in korea and they will give you the salary not from the hotel, it will be 600,000 won ~ 800,000 won. without service charge. it means you are the staff of korean tour agency, not the hotel's. that's why you can't get the service charge from the hotel.

I was the korean guest service officer in 5 stars resort in thailand, and i was the one who works for korean tour agency, not for the resort.
and i have some friends who works in hotels but the staff of that hotel, so i know the whole information about that.

I recommend you to work with the hotel (contract with them directly not with the korean ~~)

if you want to get a job, the first thing that you should do is.
find every hotel and resort in the place where you want to live.(bankok, phuket, etc)
and. then. get the e-mail address of the human resorce manager. (you can find it via advertisment of the hotels of . internet..easily)
just send your CV(resume) to that address (and some notes for them should be needed).

that's it.
they'll give you a call or an e-mail for the interview soon.

actually lots of hotels need a korean staff to handle the korean customer.
if you try to find your way yourself, you can get it faster than the others.
