홈 > 소모임 > 낀아라이


Leona 21 722

Hello everyone.
Now I'm in kho Samui and I'll go to Kho Phi Phi tomorrow morning.

I'm doing very well.
Full moon party was really fun and I was sooooooo happy in there :)

Everything is good.
I think this is because the first day's acttem (haha;;)

I miss you all.
I wanna know how are you doing you guys all.

but I have a ploblom. I can't read Korean words in here.
I can see only thai words so I found Kinarai just color T_T

Anyway I hope you doing well and I'll let you know my travel in thailand.

Take care. XOXO.

체력단념 2008.09.20 20:15  
  Leona Unni!! I'm Dannyum..kk.
I fonud a dictionary what 'acttem' is. kkkkk
Have a good trip in Phiphi. I really anvy you. T_T  [01]
왕뚱땡이 2008.09.20 21:06  
  Hi Leona
It's wang-ddung-ddang - i
Have a nice holiday for the rest of the journey. ^^
Say hello to Ken-Ji[01]
자니썬 2008.09.21 00:05  
  하이-레오나님  풀문원 파뤼 즐겁게 보내시고요...음..그리고...
좋은 남자 와 즐거운 시간 보내길 바래요...
아! 그리고 영어로 인사 했으면 좋겠는데...
제가 워낙 무식해서...{미-안}
아무쪼록 have a nice day..... take it eays..에요..
wa  woo  !!!!-------------------[01]
소나기오면 2008.09.21 01:25  
  keep it up~~~[01]
이츠키 2008.09.21 04:03  
  아 놔~~레오나!!
염장질 지데루 하네
피피섬도 간다는겨???
우 쒸~~~~~~~~~~~
한국 오면 두고 보자규~!![01]
이 미나 2008.09.21 06:28  
뱃속이 꼬이네 &@#$@;;
사무이와는 사뭇..또..다른..피피..
제물포정 2008.09.21 09:56  
  나한테는 염장이 아님..... ㅎㅎㅎ [01]
다피 2008.09.21 10:50  
  hi leona, how was the full moon party in koh pangan?
what does this travel mean to you?
i wish you would be a better writer when you come back.
be careful..you might catch 'danggiyeol'!!!^o^
          ................................. Daffy[01]
철수 2008.09.21 12:50  
  이 모임 계속 나가는거 생각해 봐야겠네..제길슨...... take it eays....니다...ㅋㅋ[01]
JASON` 2008.09.21 13:42  
  how r u doing?
it"s extremely fortunate you are having a great time in thailand
even though misfortune in the beginning of yr travel.
have a great time in thailand and i hope u r healthy.
good luck
큐트켓 2008.09.21 17:25  
  제목은 ㅜㅜ 이건데............. 내용은 염장..ㅎㅎ[01]
켄지켄죠 2008.09.21 22:32  
  Now I'm in PhiPhi Viking resort with Leona :) Here is like paradaise. WOW!![06]
속빠진만두피 2008.09.21 23:04  
  I can imagine as you are trevelling very well without any serious problem.
Especially pull moon party is most impressive.
Enjoy your trip but please keep being careful.
호연지기 2008.09.22 08:25  
  영어랑 안친함...[01]
후니니 2008.09.22 14:45  
  yeum jang e kun yo.....boo rup sam

hello leona-nem
kho phangan island remember.
The sunrise and sunset of that place beach see again to want.
Thailand southern part travel wants going again.
Your Thailand southern part travel is enviable.
by all means Be joyful your travel...bye[01]
무사태평 2008.09.22 16:17  
  헉`~~~~ 이게 뭔말이여 [01]
seda 2008.09.22 17:13  
  Hi~~Leona~~ nice meet you! Let just Kiss and say Goodbye..ㅎㅎ[01]
김우영 2008.09.22 17:47  
  High Leona!
Makes a good reminiscence and comes!
Korea is coming to be cold lightly.
Thailand is hot yet? Is born but will go to Thailand again to put out!
That time sees!
이 미나 2008.09.22 22:40  
  헉~~~~이세 뭔 말이여..2[09]
하리마오 2008.09.24 13:41  
  what's up?    여그도 몰입교육시작 인가벼? 간만에 오니 이상타 =3=3=3=3[01]
타이킹왕짱 2008.09.25 11:24  
  acttem  ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  I miss you,,too.....ㅠ.ㅠ[06]