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- 국내외 정치사회(이슈,문제)등과 관련된 글은 정치/사회 게시판에 


Learn from Seoul

뿜뿌e 2 243

Bangkok Post "Opinion" 에 실린 기고문 입니다. 이건 아주 Civilized Reaction 입니다.


Learn from Seoul
Re: "South Korean president declares martial law", (Online, Dec 3).
Thailand's civilian and military leaders can learn much from South Korea's handling of President Yoon Suk-yeol's announcement of martial law and army mobilisation. Reaction was swift, decisive, and effective -- as all followed the rule of law.
MPs raced to the National Assembly and, with 190 of its 300 members present, quickly passed a resolution demanding Mr Yoon lift his order while protesters opposed to martial law gathered outside the building and the nation's powerful unions threatened to go on strike.
I note that (a) the general public and unions quickly and peacefully protested; (b) the authorities did not use force to prevent peaceful protests; (c) the military did not take sides and was always under civilian control; (d) there were no reports of tanks or soldiers on the street in Seoul or elsewhere in South Korea.
Soon after parliament's resolution against martial law, soldiers left parliament and its grounds, and (e) all sides followed the rule of law, including Mr Yoon, who complied with parliament's will and withdrew his declaration of martial law.
We should learn from SK, which escaped military rule 37 years ago and has soared economically since then.
뽀뽀송 12.06 00:16  
태국 정치상황이 있으니,
태국인은 쿠데타 이후의 처리가 부러운 거겠죠.

애초에 충분히 예상할 수 있는
수준의 대통령을 뽑은 우리 잘못.

G7 에 초청되어 선진국이나 뭐다 한 게 몇 년 전인데,
이제는 비상 계엄, 쿠데타, 내란 등등을 걱정하는 나라가 되어 버렸...

국민들이 윤석열 거짓말에 속아서 뽑은 결과일까요?

나라 개판 되는 게,
한순간 이네요.
rony2109 12.06 10:08  
선동이든 믿음이든 윤석렬을 뽑았다는 능지 자체가 이미 나라가 기울었다는 소리.