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Việt Nam confirms 18th COVID-19 case

Update: March, 07/2020 - 16:48
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HÀ NỘI — A man returning from the Republic of Korea (RoK) was confirmed to be the eighteenth person in Việt Nam infected with SARS-CoV-2, the Ministry of Health said on Saturday.

The new patient, a 27-year-old from the northern province of Thái Bình, travelled to Daegu on February 17 and returned to Việt Nam on a Vietjet flight from Busan to Vân Đồn Airport, Quảng Ninh, on March 4.

He has been quarantined since he landed in Việt Nam.

Since the virus broke out in Daegu City and Gyeongsang Province, Việt Nam has quarantined passengers coming back from these areas.
