She is back.

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She is back.

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방콕포스트 기사 입니다...다시 장희빈의 꿈을 이루는 건가요 ?


Royal consort's rank, titles restored

His Majesty the King has issued a royal command reinstating all royal and military ranks and titles to royal noble consort Sineenart Wongvajirapakdi, who was stripped of them all in October last year.

Chao Khun Phra Sineenart.

An announcement in the Royal Gazette on Aug 29 said Miss Sineenart's record was without blemish. The King issued a command to appoint her as Chao Khun Phra Sineenart Pilaskalayanee, a royal official with a military rank.

She has been given back all her royal decorations and military ranks, as if she had never been stripped of them, according to the announcement, dated Aug 28.

Last October, the King issued a royal command stripping Chao Khun Phra Sineenart Pilaskalayanee of her royal title and military ranks, and recalling her royal decorations. The announcement was published in the Royal Gazette on Oct 21 last year.
