외국인이 보는 한국여성?

홈 > 커뮤니티 > 그냥암꺼나
- 예의를 지켜주세요 / 여행관련 질문은 묻고답하기에 / 연애·태국인출입국관련 글 금지

- 국내외 정치사회(이슈,문제)등과 관련된 글은 정치/사회 게시판에 


외국인이 보는 한국여성?

짱가 17 2572
퍼온 글 입니다.

계시판 성격에 맞지 않으면 지워주시기 바랍니다.

한번쯤 생각 해 볼 문제라.. 올립니다.

읽다 보니 이내용이 쫌 열받게 하는 군요....

"나는 여기에 거의 1년 동안 있었는데 여자들은 같이 자기가 너무나 쉽다. 이 곳 사람들이 sex를 위해 돈을 낸다는 걸 믿을 수가 없다."

서양애들이 이곳은 더 좋아할 수 밖에 없네요....쩝

나는 한국에 2년동안 있었는데 지난 1년 반동안 감당할 수 없을 정도로 많은 k-pussy와 잤다. 보통 나는 동시에 5명의 여자를 로테이션시키며 잤는데 신입이 나타나고 자격이 되면 첫번째 여자를 탈락시켰다.
I've been here in korea for about 2 years and for the last year and a half i've had more k-pussy than you could shake a dick at. I constantly had a 5 girl rotation going and would often cut starters when new rookies came to the fore and proved their worth.

한국에서 hot chick과 자는 것은 비교적 쉽다. 유희의 대상이 되는 여자는 영어 연습 때문에 너에게 끌릴 것이고 free sex 를 강조할 것이다.
In Korea, getting a hot chick is relatively easy. A girl who is game will be attracted to you for English practice and stress free sex.

내가 사랑하는 K-girl들은 황무지의 다이아몬드와 같다. 무르익고 윤기있는 사과가 나무에서 따서 먹어 주기를 기다리는 것과 같다. 이들은 pussy가 핥아진 적이 없으며 orgasm을 느껴본 적도 없고 남자와 샤워를 같이 한 적도 없으며 relax를 할 줄 모르던 여자들이다.
The K-girls I love are diamonds in the rough...like ripe juicey apples begging to picked off a tree and bit into. They've never had their pussies licked...never had an orgasm...never showered with a guy...never been able to relax.

(운영자)각 파티는 조금씩 다를 것이다. 14일의 파티는 지난 두 파티와 비슷할 것이다. 여자 화장실에서의 sex가 조금 있을 것을 뜻한다.
(PB)Each party will be slightly different. On the 14th, it will be much the same as the last two; meaning some sex in the female bathroom

한국에서 사는 것은 표면적으로는 쉽다. 가르치고, 돈 받고, 술 마시고, 여자와 자면 된다.
To exist on the surface in Korea is easy - Teach, get paid, get drunk, get laid.

(고향으로 돌아가며) 나는 아시아 여자의 pussy, 특히 korean pussy 없이 살 수 없을 거라는 두려움이 있다.
I fear there is one thing I can't live without. Asian pussy. Korean pussy especially.

(운영자. 한국에 갈 건데 만날 여자들이 있겠냐는 질문에 대해)걱정할 것 없다. 네가 오면 너를 맞이하려고 기다리는 여자들이 내게는 많이 있다.
(PB)Don't trouble yourself. I've got a slew of girls waiting for you when you come.

(운영자. 한국 어디에서 여자들을 만날 수 있느냐는 질문에 대해)나는 hot하고 친절한 남자친구없는 여자들이 많은 것에 매일 놀란다. 낮에는 아무 커피숍이나 아웃백, TGIF, 베니건스같은 "웨스턴" 음식점에 가서 둘러보라. 한국 남자들은 이런 곳을 좋아하지 않고 여자들은 몰려서 이런 곳에 오는 경향이 있는데, 아주 좋은 기회이다. 밤에는 보드게임카페, 레스토랑, 코엑스몰, 커피숍 등 모든 곳에서 만날 수 있다. 자려는 것이 아니라면 이태원은 멀리하고, 자려면 라임라이트, 게코스, 브릭스, 헬리오스 등을 가라. 신촌에서는 힙합클럽, 젠이 좋다. 홍대에서는 사브, 스톰퍼스, 골드바, M2에 가면 여자들을 좀 만날 수 있다.
(PB)I'm amazed daily at the numbers of hot, friendly chicks without guys. During the daytime, go to any coffee shop or "western" restaurant, like Outback, TGIF, or Bennigans and look around. K-Guys don't like these places and the chicks tend to migrate in packs alone...a great opportunity. At nighttime, you can find them in board game cafes, restaurants, COEX mall, coffee shops...just about everywhere. If you're looking in bars, finding a nice, "good" girl is hit or miss. Stay away from Itaewon unless you're looking to get laid, then hit Limelight, Geckos, Bricx, or Helios. In Sinchon, the hip hop club, Zen, is decent. In Hongdae, go to Saab Club, Stompers, Gold Bar, or M2 to find some girls.

(싫어하는 한국 여자의 예를 들면서)내 집에 가려고 하지 않는 모든 여자
Any girl that doesn’t want to go home with me

(운영자. 한국 여자 사진에 대한 답에서)이상하게도, 나도 마찬가지로 느낀다. 통계적 확률에 의해 우리가 같은 여자와 잔 것 같다. 상상해 봐라.
(PB)Strangely...me, too. Fuck, either way, we've tagged one of the same girls due to statistical odds. Imagine that.

나는 여기에 거의 1년 동안 있었는데 여자들은 같이 자기가 너무나 쉽다. 이 곳 사람들이 sex를 위해 돈을 낸다는 걸 믿을 수가 없다.
I have been here almost a year and these Chicks here are so easy to get into here. I can't believe that people pay for sex here.

(운영자. 한국 여자에게 접근하는 방법을 알려주며)시계와 휴대전화를 숨겨라. 여자에게 가서 시간을 (물론 한국어로) 물어라. 그녀는 네가 약간의 한국어를 한다는 것에 호기심을 느낄 것이고, 그것을 발판으로 삼아 네가 어디에서 말을 배웠고, 얼마나 여기 있었고, 무엇을 하고에 대해 말할 수 있고, 나이 맞추기 게임 등을 할 수도 있다. 재미있다. 그리고, 그녀는 물론 몇 시인지 알려줄 것이다. 이것이 "나는 여기 꽤 있었고, 말을 아는 스마트한 남자" 접근법이다. 이 방법은 항상 성공적이다.
(PB)Hide your watch and mobile phone. Go up to the chick and ask her for the time (in Korean, of course). She'll be intrigued that you speak a little Korean and that's your stepping stone, you can then talk about where you learned the language, how long you've been here, what you're doing here, you can play age guessing games and whatnot...it's a lot of fun. Oh, and she'll give you the time, as well. This is the "I've been here a while, know the lingo, smart guy approach". A winner every time.

(운영자. 한국 여자에게 접근하는 방법을 알려주며)지하철 지도를 들고 지하철 안에서 여자의 어깨를 두드려라. (영어나 한국어로) 여기에서 저기까지 어떻게 가는지 물어라. 역시, 그녀는 도와주려 할 것이고 너는 얼마나 여기 있었고, 무엇을 하고를 말하고 나이 맞추기 게임 등을 할 수 있다. 이것은 고전적인 "우둔한, 새로 온 남자" 접근법이다. 성공은 보장한다.
(PB)Get a subway map and tap the girl on the shoulder in the train. Ask (in Korean or English) how you go from here to there. Again, she will hopefully try to help and then that will lead into the how long you've been here, what you're doing here, you can play age guessing games and whatnot...etc. This is the classic "dumb, new guy approach". Proven success.

이하 전문입니다. 게시판 전체의 10%도 안 됩니다.

Name Balloon Knot
bk@hotmail.com View 395

Title  I lost my game

Here's the situation...

I've been here in korea for about 2 years and for the last year and a half i've had more k-pussy than you could shake a dick at. I constantly had a 5 girl rotation going and would often cut starters when new rookies came to the fore and proved their worth. I now realize that these girls somehow smelled the pussy on me. I swear, it was during times when i was completely content not looking to pull when they would be throwing themselves at me.

Well, I decided to leave and head home for a month for vacation and for some inexplicable reason I thought i'd do some serious spring cleaning before I left. I sent all 5 of them packing and didn't contact one of them during my time home (thinking I could just start training and stack my line-up with new talent upon returning). Unfortunately since I've been back its been 100% dry. I thought it was a temporary thing and then I went out clubbin' last weekend and again came up completely empty yet again. The shitty thing is that i'm starting to feel that all consuming pang of desperation that hangs around you like a fart in a sauna. I feel like i'm in a tail spin....I can't think straight...I have to get my bearings and get back on that sweet path of debauchery but I can't seem to find a foothold...

Help me PB!!!!


Name sniper
ss@ss.com View 1100

Title  K-girls Rule

The post below is very valid, but overlooks the issues of competition and novelty.

In Korea, getting a hot chick is relatively easy. A girl who is game will be attracted to you for English practice and stress free sex (because, contrary to what korean men think...the women do want to get banged and they don't give two shits about love and marriage when you stick it in them). She wont care about your money or social standing, because really all she wants is a temporary cheap thrill (unless of course she has a green card in mind).

In the motherland, the Asian broads are harder to get. You have to drive a nice Honda civic, have some bling bling, have your cell phone going off all the time, and generally have fake confidence dripping out your yellow ass (iow. Asian). Good luck picking up a Philippino girl unless your are Philippino.

Accordingly, the Asians studying abroad stick together hard. Infiltrate their ranks and they will be shocked to shit, because it hardly happens. Most foreignors don't give a shit about Asian students studying over here because they are a dime a dozen. We should thank our lusty stars that this is not the case in Korea. Even with the droves of Seans and Tims showing up each and every day from Australia, Canada etc., it is still common to get some red carpet treatment, and definetely some black carpet lovin. Which, I might add, I kind of like. I agree with the playboy...what some people dislike in a true K-girl is what makes it interesting. Dig deep and pull the proper puppet strings and you can get them trimmed up (literally).

Nothing turns me off more than hearing some Kyopo chick bitching away in fluent English. Some K-girls (usually hakwon skags that get passed around like a used sofa in the classified section) should also unlearn some of their English skills. They lose their charm once they start swearing and talking all hip hop. Therr are some girls I know, recruiters and teachers, who have fucked way too many waygooks jumping from one to the next like fleas. This is definetely a turn off. These girls should get back their shitty pronunciation, get rid of their thongs, grow out their pussy hair, and put them grandma panties from Namdaemun back on. The K-girls I love are diamonds in the rough...like ripe juicey apples begging to picked off a tree and bit into. They've never had their pussies licked...never had an orgasm...never showered with a guy...never been able to relax. These girls come along maybe once, maybe twice during your soujorn in Korea. You might break her heart, she might break yours, but in any case you should value her as highly as possible during the time you have her.

I think a true romance with one special girl in Korea can be a great temporary experience both parties involved. Sometimes this message and truth is lost on this forum. At the root of it all, we love these girls and they love us back...but we come on here anonimously and spout off like asseholes to ease the stress. So chill out ya'll.


Name 왕자 o2p(layer)  View 593

Title  BUYING IT IN SEOUL: The advice

Don't waste your time with the silly, dual barber pole shops. 안마 or in English; "Anma", are pretty much hassle free, and worthwhile if you find yourself a decent one. I suggest frequenting the same place, once you have shopped around, and are satisfied you are getting a (relatively) good deal. Again, I suggest that you go for the higher priced shops, which to my experience, had better women, and higher quality service. You can expect it to get a little freaky in there, so take along an open-mind. If possible, go with your Korean friend, to limit the chance of skin-tax, or any other possible form of discrimination. Best time to go; before the tribal, in-group out-group, zulu conciousness, Korean adjashi's finish work. In other other words, before 9pm (soju factored in). Why, because it lessens the chance of you being rejected, and increases the chance of you being accepted.

Location, that is up to you. I won't be giving away the locus of my favored regions.


Name J. Doe
newcity6@hotmail.com View 403


For those interested in red-light districts and prostitution, here is a list of red-light districts and areas very dense with barber-shops etc.:
(A little out of date, but has proved to be accurate. You may need to use a map. Happy hunting.)

Numbered: 41 areas ( as of December.31, 2001):
City & Province Area Name
Seoul (6)
- The entire area in front of Yongsan Station in Yongsan-gu
- The whole area at 620 Jeonnong-dong in Dongdaemun-gu
- The whole area behind Shinsegye Dept. Store in Yeongdeungpo-gu
- The side streets at Yeongdeungpo Station in Yeongdeungpo-gu
- The whole area of Texas alley in Cheonho 4 -dong in Gangdong-gu
- The whole area at 88 Texas alley in Hawolgok 1-dong in Seongbuk-gu
Busan (3)
- Texas Village in Choryang-dong in Dong-gu
- The area of 300 Beomjeon-dong in Busanjin-gu
- Wanwol-dong in Chungmu-dong in Seo-gu
Daegu (1)
- The whole area of Dowon-dong in Jung-gu
Incheon (2) - The whole area of 360 Sungui 1 dong in Nam-gu
- The whole area of 428 Hagik 1 dong in Nam-gu
Gwangju (1) From OB Square to Changhung Raw Fish Restaurant in Songjeong-dong in Gwangsan-gu
Taejeon (2) - The whole area of Jeong-dong in Dong-gu
- The whole area of Yucheon-dong in Jung-gu
Gyonggi Province (7) - The whole area of Godeung-dong in Gwonseon-gu in Suwon
- The whole area of Jung-dong, Jungwon-gu in Songnam City
- The whole area of Simgokbon-dong in Sosa-gu in Pucheon City
- The whole area of Pyeongtaek-dong in Pyeongtaek City
- The whole area of Saengyeon-dong in Dongducheon City
- The whole area of Yeonpung-dong, Pajueup in Paju-City
- The whole area of Daeneungni, Beobwoneup in Paju-City
Gangwon Province(8) - 3ga Soyangno Chuncheon City
- Geunhwa-dong in Chuncheon City
- Gyo 2-dong in Gangneung City
- Hakseong-dong in Wonju City
- Balhan-dong Donghae City
- Whangji 1-dong in Taebaek City
- Geumho-dong in Sokcho City
- Jungri in Yanggu-gun
Chungcheongbuk Province(1) The whole area of the old bus terminal at the Seongnam-dong in Chungju City
Chungcheongnam Province(1) The whole area from 14 to 62 of Daeheung-dong in Cheonan City
Jeonllabuk Province(4) - The whole area of Seonosong-dong in Deokjin-gu in Jeonju City(behine the Jeonju Cityhall)
- The whole area of Daga-dong in Wansan-gu in Jeonju City
- The whole area of Daemyeong-dong in Gunsan City(near the Gunsan Station)
- The whole area of Changin-dong in Iksan City(front of Iri Station)
Jeollanam-Province (1) From Two-seven car wash to Monoply Bureau in Konghwa-dong in Yeosu City
Gyongsangbuk Province (3) - 179 Hwango-dong in Gyeongju City
- 596 Daeheung-dong in Buk-gu in Pohang City
- 181 Unheung-dong in Andong City
Gyongsangnam Province (1) Sinpo-dong in Masan City

Numbered: 27 areas ( as of December.31, 2001) :

Seoul (9)
- The entire area in front of Seoul Station in Jung-gu
- The whole area at Daelim commercial district 3rd floors in Euljiro 3-ga in Jung-gu
- The whole area at Seun commercial district 3rd floors in Jongno-gu
- The whole area of the 'club street' in Itaewon in Yongsan-gu
- The whole area of the entertainment center in Singil 1-dong in Yeongdeungpo-gu
- The whole area of Texas alley in Singil 3-dong in Yeongdeungpo-gu
- The whole area behind Hwayang Theater in Gwangjin-gu
- The whole area on the side of the Hwagok Telephone Office in Gangseo-gu
- The whole area of 44 Mia 4-dong in Gangbuk-gu
Busan (2) - 609 red light district 645 Woo 1 dong in Haeundae-gu
- 'Popramachi' in Gamjeon-dong in Sasang-gu
Incheon (2)
- The whole area of 507 Juan 2-dong in Nam-gu
- The side streets at Inns Seoknam 1-dong in Seo-gu
Gwangju (1) From wolsan rotary to dakjeonmeori in Seo-gu
Gyonggi Province (2) - From 9 to 57 Gwangmyeong 2-dong in Gwangmyeong City
- From 138 to 1402 Gwangmyong 4-dong in Gwangmyong City
Province (5) - The whole area of the 169 Jungangdong 3-ga in Gunsan City
- The whole area behind Sigi church at the Sigi 2-dong in Jeongeup City
- The whole area of 105 Jungangdong 3-ga in Iksan City
- The whole area of 228-19 Madong in Iksan City
- The whole area of 14-5 Pyeonghwadong in
Province (2) - From Bonghwang Wedding Hall to Dongwon Bath House in Mokpo City
- From enterance of northern standing exhibition hall to Joongbu church to Taeyang hot spring in Soonchun City
Gyongsangbuk Province (2) - The whole area of the western part of the market at Yongheung-dong in Puk-gu in Pohang City
- 260 Pyeonghwa-dong in Gimcheon City
Gyeongsangnam Province (2) - The entire area of Jinju Station in Jinju City
- The entire area of Dongwon Bath House at Jangdae-dong in Jinju City 


Name The Playboy
Classic_Playboy@hotmail.com View 407

Title  Party Weekend 

Party humpers,

Just so there's no confusion...English Spectrum and I will be hosting two parties at Mary Jane's in Hongdae on BOTH the 14th (Friday night) and the 15th (Saturday night).

Each party will be slightly different. On the 14th, it will be much the same as the last two; meaning some sex in the female bathroom, some late night dance floor grinding and partial nudity, mixed in with the addition of some clothes-allergic professionals who should be making a guest appearance that night.

On the 15th, we will be holding an MC'ed Sexy Game Night. We will be selling drinks at an exceptionally low price from 9-12 to get everyone hammered prior to the games. From 12 to about 4 am, we'll play a bunch of team-oriented, guy-girl-guy-girl games, each for small prizes. This will be mixed in with a fair amount of dancing (hip hop and otherwise) intermissions.

Both nights will be fun, but a little bit different. If you can make one or the other or both, please come and join the fun. The 15th will be a good time to meet new people and develop some interesting relationships.

The Playboy


Name Sniper
ss@ss.com View 869

Title  Taking My ASIAN FETISH to the motherland.

I'm back home in Canada...taking some time off from Kimcheeland to reflect on life in an attempt to join the real world somewhere down the road. As much as I love Korea, I think you would have to be somewhat unambitous or truly ambitous to actually live there long term. It's been three year for me, and after this spring I'll be tearing myself away for good.

To exist on the surface in Korea is easy - Teach, get paid, get drunk, get laid. Buffer it with some travel, a trip home to see mom, and then do it all again. To exist a step beyond that takes more balls and or insanity - marry a K-girl, learn the language, get a sweet ass job or find a way to make money knowing what you know and what Koreans don't. I'm at the crux and I'm going to keep my towel. Not time to toss it in yet.

That said, I fear there is one thing I can't live without. Asian pussy. Korean pussy especially. I'm planning to relocate to Toronto or Vancouver and I'm going to stay at a friends places while I see what kind of life I could have there. I think it would be great to find a K-girl who is already abroad, and therefore on a good day maybe twice as smart and half as conservative as most of the girls you have to sift through in Korea.

Does anyone have any experience wheeling and getting a relationship going with a K-girl already abroad? And no, I don't mean Kyopo. I've met some nice ones but some are a nightmare. Where can I find the Asian pooonanny in TO or Van?


Name feynman  View 379

Title  upcuming fotos

Well said sniper. That's how I feel on this matter also.

On the topic of picking up k-girls in CA:
I recommend visiting k-town in TO or Vancouver.
Maybe eat at some k-restaurants.
When some hotties cum in smoothly chat them up.
Just being in the restaurant will probably win you
big points with them. Dazzle them with your knowledge
of Korean culture. Order some soju and get them drunk.
Then take them home and plug that fine asian pussy!
Oh behave!

Playboys: I went to a KBL game on the weekend
and took a ton of shots of the super hot Korean
cheerleaders with my telefoto lens. (It irritated my
k-girlfriend and I got some rude looks from koreans.)
I was so distraught. Not! I know this post is a bit of
a dick tease but I'll get them developed and post them
this week some time(if the the k-guy at the neighbourhood
fotoshop can stop jerking off when he sees the fotos and
finish printing them).

for now,

Marquis de Seoul


Name Ben 3 Man
ladieu_one@hotmail.com View 432

Title  PB, Help me find partners

oh mighty Playboy,
I am a 29 Amercian male(white, 6'2", 180lbs) moving to Korea.
I am moving to Seoul this summer and I would like to get a head start.
If you know any women(white or Korean) who wants a lover, can you hook me up? After all, you are the mighty Playboy. You know thousands of women and I am sure you can spare one or two for someone like me.
If you are so selfish and do not want to share any, at least give me some advices(where to go, what to wear, if there are clubs or bars in Korea for people like me, how many western women are in Korea, if Korean women are interested in white boys etc.)
I do not want to be alone when I move to Korea.
If any of you ladies are interested in relationships, let me know.
My email address is ladieu_one@hotmail.com
I am good looking, into art, good music, films, travelling etc.
Thanks in advance,
and happy new year to all of you.


Don't trouble yourself. I've got a slew of girls waiting for you when you come. They're all Korean, of course, but from the sounds of things, I think you and some of them will hit it off quite well. Don't worry about being alone; what I'd worry about is their level of skankiness. I would be a fool to give you the PB's best, but I do have some names and numbers to give you at a later date which will keep you entertained.

I don't know how many white girls are here as I've never counted and I generally try to turn my head the other way. There are some exceptionally hot ones...I met a Russian from St. Petersburg that's in graduate school at HUFS. She was beautiful and not a hooker (which is a plus). And, of course, there are others; however, the general tone of the white horse population isn't flattering. You can wear whatever you like. There are different girls for different styled guys, so clothes aren't an issue.

For how to behave and where to go and what to see, read this column from start to finish...you've got time. When you get to the end, you should be well informed.
The Playboy


Name o2p(layer)  View 417

Title  Sex shops

I discovered some interesting little shops on my way through 신촌, as I went past in a taxi. The windows were basically covered over, but there was enough visible, to see whats inside if you take a good look at it. It obviously wasn't a legal business, and that was validated by the fact that it was night time, plus I saw girls sitting in there by the door, with pink light in the background. The shop didn't even have the notorious "안마" sign. Just some stupid English words. I will endeavour to gather further intelligence on these places. I suspect they will cost around 70,000 won, for around 30 mins. It's funny what you notice, if you are a little observant. I may face possible rejection, but if accepted, I will have found my new watering hole. It feels more exciting now, as I face possible deportation, if caught. The element of danger, increases my satisfaction. 


Ummm...this one's a dilemma. After much deliberation, I think I'll stick with the skinny Korean girls. On the positive side of things, the puppies are cute. If you got them in Chungmuro, though, I'll give them a life expectancy of another four days...sorry~
The Playboy


Name koopp  View 258

Title  World Events--Why arent the Koreans helping?

One of the more prosperous and wealthy nations in Asia is on the sidelines and not ponying up (as far a this article reads anyways) as a contributor to the Asian Earthquake disaster relief...

What The Fuck--where is Korea in this time of need?


What? Are you surprised? This is the same country that is avoiding reunification primarily due to the economic drain that will occur (read, see Germany) once the south has to take responsibility for the north. Nevermind they are the same people living side-by-side 60 years ago now being enslaved by their criminal government, living in fear, gulags, and repression. "Why would we want to unify that country and free our own brethren from oppression? That would take away from my ability to afford the Equus, the room salons, my cell phones, and my yangju. Fuck that...I love my family up north, but not that much. Let the next generation take care of it."

If they think that selfishly about their own people, how do you think they're going to react to a disaster in another country? All that is being broadcasted on the news now is the economic impacts the disaster is having on the won and stock markets.
The Playboy


Name Rude bowy
vtecplaya@hotmail.com View 327

Title  Where do all the friendly women hang out?

Sup playboy, I just came to seoul a week ago from bad street Atlanta GA. I was wondering what people do out here for fun besides going to "hops" and clubs.

Oh yeah, where do all the hot friendly single chicks hang out?

Thanks Playa

Rude bowy

I'm glad you're here...welcome aboard. Seeing that this is a capital city, home to a teeming population of over 12 million people, there is quite a lot going on. Get a tourist guide book to help you out. There are a myriad of things to do, events to see, etc. Unfortunately, Seoul is more of an outdoor city, so in the wintertime the options are slightly limited. There is decent skiing right now if you head east.

Friendly girls are everywhere...I recommend you start learning Korean now. Don't wait until you've extended three times and you're in your fourth year tickled pink that you are now able to read Burger King on the Burger King sign in Itaewon. Start now, it will pay off in the future as you can expand your talent pool to those that don't speak English.

I'm amazed daily at the numbers of hot, friendly chicks without guys. During the daytime, go to any coffee shop or "western" restaurant, like Outback, TGIF, or Bennigans and look around. K-Guys don't like these places and the chicks tend to migrate in packs alone...a great opportunity. At nighttime, you can find them in board game cafes, restaurants, COEX mall, coffee shops...just about everywhere. If you're looking in bars, finding a nice, "good" girl is hit or miss. Stay away from Itaewon unless you're looking to get laid, then hit Limelight, Geckos, Bricx, or Helios. In Sinchon, the hip hop club, Zen, is decent. In Hongdae, go to Saab Club, Stompers, Gold Bar, or M2 to find some girls.
The Playboy


Name James
kdjkl@jdfklj.com View 737

Title  Sex and sleep rules...

hi playboy.

i wanted to know what do you do when you get a K chick to your house and you end up sleeping with her... but she just wants to go asleep.

Usually i find that there is the usual process of her lying in bed, and once the lights go off, one of the following happens...

1. sex straight away.
2. pretend sleeping, and touching till sex happens.
3. out of late night exhaustion mutual desire to nap till both of us wake each other up a couple of hours later and sex romp begins.
4. feeling that sex can wait till the next morning instead as more chemistry between the 2 of us may need to be established.
5.take "no" as "yes", and force sex to happen... obviously this means reading the signs that "no" really does means "yes", in which is usually does.
6.kissing + touching happens and the standard "i dont like one night stands" line is said, and then sex happens.
7. a "no" is a "no" due to her body being turning away from you, hidden in corner of bed leaving massive expectations dashed and great frustration and even at times bitter resentment for my time wasted.

My question is, whats the best way to handle number seven? Personally i feel if a girl is sleeping in my bed, sex must happen. how do you play the situation to increase likihood of a romp to occour? with the other factors i mentioned, there is always the idea that sex is probably just right around the corner, so i find it hard to actualy belive that she means "no". I am a belivier that you should stay the course if you smell an opening but on the otherhand, i dont want to look desperate, so I have to cut my losses sometimes, but it really pisses me off especially if ive made my intentions clear once the light have gone off... lose of face and control of situation being reasons.

How do you handle or advise on this?
can u help me out?


I don't know if I can help you out or not, because I swear I've never had #7 happen to me yet. You have shown your experience through your Top Seven List, as they are all very accurate and I was very amused reading them.

Obviously, for reasons that don't need to be spelled out, be very careful with your "no's" and your "yes's"...you are right about the meaning of them, we just know that's a line we need to be very sure about.

In my tour here to date, I've had many girls decide to spend the night. That act, all by itself, means sex. K-Girls rarely (and I mean rarely) decide to go to a guy's house and sleep there without the desire (or at least the resigning of oneself) to sex. K-Girls can be naive, but they know the guy's house-guy's bed scenario very well. With that said, no girl has ever slept at the Playboy Villa without walking away penetrated somewhere and moisturized.

I think the worst I had was a girl that refused at night and truly went to sleep...similar to your #4. But by morningtime, a bit of body rubbing and ass tickling got her going enough to seal the deal.

Any playboy will tell you that you don't win every game (just most of them). Sometimes, you have that white whale that cannot be caught...you need to recognize it as the impossible dream and admit defeat and move on. Some girls will use the sleepover as a staged event to test your mettle. Tell her to eat shite and go home. Go take a shower, crank one out, and get dressed to hunt again the next night.
The Playboy


Name onlyme
partyoftwo@losethefriends.com View 267

Title  alone time

Hi there Playboy,

Nice to hear you survived your voyage, even though your return seemed to take the wind out of the sail of this forum. It was wild for a few days.

Anyways, I'd like to know how to go about getting alone time with a Korean girl I've just met. I have been on four dates with a girl and each time she brings along her friend and her friend's boyfriend. Which means the conversation is mostly in Korean, and I have to sit there and watch the Korean dude make a stupid Korean joke so that his stupid Korean girlfriend will giggle and then slap his arm...over and over and over again all night long.

How do I get the friend and the friend's boyfriend out of the picture?


I know most readers don't have the time nor patience to sit down and read all of the posts here, but I'm sure I've answered this one several times already. Anyways, let's recap:

First, you are being exposed to classic, conspicuous cockblocking. This is perfectly normal, so don't be alarmed. The first date or two with a good girl you can expect such treatment. She is only protecting herself (in case you're a pervert), providing some mental comfort for herself, and giving her an out if she needs one (ie, your date sucks and she wants to go elsewhere).

The problem is obviously it's been FOUR FUCKING dates, you hump. Four dates with her cockblocking girlfriend is way too much, nevermind a K-Guy tagging along for frig's sake. If I saw that dodgy bastard walk into the restaurant on a second, third, or fourth date, I would have blown up and self-destructed. I have nightmares about things like this. You are absolutely correct in writing, because you've got to change things fast.

o2p, in his infinite wisdom, said it right. Sometimes the simplest things work the best...save the complex schemes and designs for when you are balancing multiple girls at the same time...that's when you need your brain power at maximum capacity. For this, do the simple things. On your next date (if you can call it that..it sounds like a script out of the Brady Bunch), first just plan a night that only two people can go on. Read the Seoul Classified and buy two tickets to a play, opera, or ballet. Make a reservation at an expensive restaurant for two, with a movie follow-on. Your "alone" dates MUST be safe for her...don't ask to go to your place, etc.

If that somehow doesn't work, your next step is to bluntly tell her you want to go out alone with her. She should get the picture and understand you are interested in her as a girlfriend. If she refuses, ask why...at this point, you need to be thinking about unhooking the fish and pitching it back out to sea. You clearly like her or you wouldn't have wasted this much time on her. Try once or twice more and make it work; if it doesn't, you really need to look elsewhere.

Last bit of advice...don't rule out the possibility of a foursome. This could be a big scheme to work out a sweet orgy. If so, you can bang both girls, which would rock. Nevermind the little cocked lump, he'll have excited himself on the sheets within the first two minutes, leaving the chicks unsatisfied like usual and lusting just for you.
The Playboy


Name o2p  View 546

Title  to be honest......

Korea is a great place. You never have to think about putting your rubbish in a trash can, because there are none. You see how good it is.Turn the negatives into postives I say.

You like Korea, good, stay here for the rest of your life. Nicholas Cage, and his retarded comments. Korea is great. Good Nick. So live here then. Hahahha. No way he thinks to himself.

I always tell my ho'z not to fall in love with me, and don't leed them on. I am an honest player. That can't be all that bad.

Sex is the objective, relationship is the vehicle.

I don't like deceiving girls into fucking me, because they think I love them. So I wemt to Miari instead. What a gentleman.

Sniper, I wasn't sure if it was a comment paid to me or not, but I will take it as one anyway. Get the rest of that story out, I don't even care if you made it up, I liked it.

Tacolips you cretin. I thought I set the standard for drivel. Looks like 2nd place will have to do.

What's all this nonsense about people not being playboys, and blah de blah blah.

o2p is a man devoted to the pursuit of pleasurable activities. 


Name James
jhol$$ View 577

Title  10 thing that annoy ME about Korea

1. Fat-ass adeshis on the train that try to speak english to me when they are all drunk and shit...spitting and what not.

2. Itaewon--> Somebody needs to hook up some c4 and blow that motherfucker skyhigh. Even then I don't think you will be able to destroy the syphillis that lingers in Slimelight and the hill. But not to worry...I'm sure our friends from Pakistan and Saudi Arabia will take care of that soon.

3. Any foreigner in Korea who thinks they are pimps because they've bagged a few ho's in Hong Dae.

4. Dudes that marry ho's.

5. Dudes that think ho's are their girlfriends.

6. Teachers who have that faggot 1970s hairstyle and scumbag clothes. You guys need to get some style and look professional. I wear a sport coat and dress pants everyday..I don't even work for a major company. Take some pride in yourself. Represent your country.

7. Dudes that say Aneyosaeyo to my wife when I'm not looking.

8. Ugly GI's macking it to every chick they see in Stompers and beyond.

9. Korean-american chicks who sound like total valley idiots when they speak.

10. Korea is so fucking overrated. You people that are just getting here must realize that all the bitches you are banging will probably be either last nights leftovers, or she will be Hooker Hill's last ditch. Think again before you come to Korea. I love this country, but you fuckers are too much into getting laid. If only your momma knew. PB...much respect ni99a.


Yours and the post below all have some interesting opinions; some ageeable and enlightening and others irresponsible...I would caution you and your fiery tongue when you're mentioning "our friends" that may be planning terrorist activity in Seoul (Itaewon or wherever). First, they are the number one enemy of the free world and no friend of mine nor yours I hope. In some places, what you said can actually be illegal...so think a little more before you speak.
The Playboy


Name Jimbo
jhol$$ View 474

Title  A million things I hate about K-girls

1. Ugly Korean chicks trying to score on the internet.

2. Bitches that look at me like I like them or something...usually I walk away laughing.

3. Every bitch here has the same style. ie. black stockings, plaid or black skirts, with those annoying suede boots

4. That stupid face they make..like their blowing up a ballon or something.

5. That stupid wide-eyed look they make when their taking a picture.

6. Schoolgirls that try to impress me with their shitty english on the train.

7. Rot breath on the hottest chick.

8. My date telling me, "Oh many foreigners like kimchi."

9. Dramatic conversation...especially when they are asking for something.

10. Ajuma's that think they look good.

11. Fat bitches that look at me.

12. Fat bitches that look at me and think that I am looking back.

13. Fat bitches that think I'm looking at them, and they joke and giggle with their fat friends.

14. Fat bitches.

15. Big bushes...someone need to teach these chicks how to shave.

16. Bitches dating dorky college fags because his dad has an Equuis and works for Hankook tires.

17. Any bitch in Kangnam....truley gold-digging whores out looking to marry the first rich adeshi they can find.

18. The chick I met at Slimelight that claims it was her first time...

19. Bitches that think they are black...wearing dreds and all that other ghetto shit.

20. Fuck all these ho"s!


Name Polumbo  View 252

Title  Where are the Sinchon places

Hey PB--what ever happened to the query about the places in Sinchon where hot co-eds would provide snuggling and hand jobs?? Was it ever determined if these places actually exist?


I don't know...excellent question; I'm glad you've re-energized that thought. Maybe the white horse that first posted it will come back and reply with some directions. I have never seen nor heard of such a place and its existance, along with Atlantis and Noah's Ark, has yet to be conclusively proven. When I get some fuckin' grid coordinates then I'll be a believer myself. 


Name Sheebal nom
kesekiya@sheebal.com View 668

Title  10 things in Korea that annoy me...

10 Things in Korea that annoy me:


2.Ugly Korean chicks that go to Itaewon to find foreign men

3.Beautiful Korean chicks that date dorky college guys and marry fat adashis

4.Booking clubs that bring me the ugliest girl in the club

5.Stupid foreign guys that date the ugly chicks that come to Itaewon

6.Ugly Korean girls that post fake ass hot glamour shots on internet websites

7.Korean men and women dancing separately in nightclubs…gay

8.Korean prostitutes that discriminate against foreingers

9.he fact that Korean men have put up a cockblock wall in front of all Korean hotties leaving only mediocre females for the foreigners

10.Any girl that doesn’t want to go home with me

Other than this stuff and a few other things I really like Korea :)


Name o2p
sexy_o2p@yahoo.com View 471

Title  MISTAKEN CONCEIT, Seoul - the rubbish dump city.

We have different personalities. We do things differently. Our methods are not the same. Hunting techniques differ. How much we drink. How arrogant we are. Blah blah blah.

Where we stand the same, is that we want to get inside these K-bitches, one way or another. Again where we disagree, is on the quality. Using myself as an example; I am not interested in the majority of women/girls that I see. Even with goggles on, I still don't bother. If their face is not pretty, I am not interested. Now, I would do Bill's bitch in that situation, and I mean in that situation, eventhough her eyes looked whacked, the other parts were acceptable. The 3 little pigs however, are totally unacceptable. I would need to be blind drunk in order to have sex with them. You must agree. I would be angry with myself if I took them home, and might have too Yu yong chul their ass in the morning. Getting drunk to have a good night is pointless.

Nightclubs go hand in hand with alcohol, and that is the problem. There is a higher chance that you may pick up something normally undesirable. The hot girls there are normally gong-ju-byeongs to my experience. THEIR MISTAKEN CONCEIT. Korean females are not that beautiful. They were an incredible amount of makeup. And are starting to resemble Michael Jackson. I know Seoul is a pretenious rubbish dump. That's why I am leaving. Korea doesn't deserve English in my book. Go teach in another country, which will result in you dipping your stick in a lot more bitches than you have been doing here. In a way, it's good to come here, and experience absolute shit. It puts things in perspective. When you finally venture out of the R.O.K, you will appreciate it.


Name John
calummackayuk@hotmail.com View 1299

Title  Mr.

Ok then, Just got to this country after coming from Taiwan for a year, which is a full on fuck-fest. any night of the week, any place.

Been here 3 weeks, and where the hell are the girls. I've ended up in Pyongtaek, which is near Osan. There seems to be only one measly club filled with nearing pensioners, the bars are pretty much empty, apart from the odd land-lady trying to chat you up with their fantastic technique of constantly providing hamburgers till you can't get away.

Damn it, i've not even had the chance to chat up one girl yet, let alone score.

How the hell can you meet them in a place like this?


Sorry for the delayed reply. And, to make it worse, I don't have an answer for you. I haven't had the misfortune of living in the sticks yet, so I don't know what it looks like down there...but I can imagine.

If you're not near the soldiers living down there, being a foreigner in a small area can be an advantage. You're the oddity and girls will want to get to know you. With these kind of girls, you need to meet them in non-threatening locations, such as the super or video store. This may take some time...it's not a quick task. To get a quick romp in, you may need to go to the seedy clubs outside of the bases or come up to Seoul and visit the seedy clubs here.

There is a guy, his newly conceived name is Biff...he's usually a regular on the site and I think he used to live down there. If he reads this, maybe he'll come on board and give you some "regional" advice.
The Playboy


Name SERIOUSLY  View 303

Title  2 of the girls...

look like chicks I hooked up with before...on separate occasions!

Strangely...me, too. Fuck, either way, we've tagged one of the same girls due to statistical odds. Imagine that.
The Playboy


Name Cheese Helmet
KillYourSelf@Suicide.now View 376

Title  I Love the ladies


I have been here almost a year and these Chicks here are so easy to get into here. I can't believe that people pay for sex here.

Cheesy Smut Puppet,

You're a lucky man. Not everyone out there is as debonaire, well-endowed, and handsome as yourself. Please try not to label money-for-sex as a sign of weakness because for some, it is all they have. Keep those thoughts to yourself and be self-satisfied quietly.
The Playboy


Name Foxy
foxy@Tickles.com View 333

Title  Phillipines? As Good as they Say?

Dude,,,Im bald , fat, over 40 and single. I wear thick glasses but have good teeth and laugh like a truck starting in a Montana Winter whenever I hear a good rib. I read you just came back from Manila..,is it true that even someone who usually gets about as much attention from women as the Invisible Man can get laid there?

Foxy Fat Fucker,

Good teeth are a definite plus. That's the main reason why I choose K-Girls over C-Girls or J-Girls...some C-Girls have horribly rotted black teeth and some J-Girls could audition for a close-up Jaws stunt double. So, don't worry, there are many haggard, decaying 50+ aged widows out there to pool from. As a matter of fact, I read the Seoul Classified this evening and they had a posting in there for such a lovely catch.

But, if you don't think that is appealing, then go to Manila. The girls over there will love you forever if you pay forever. They don't give a fiddler's fart what you look or smell like as long as you've got pesos (which, by the way, I thought the Philippines was an inexpensive country, but my pesos turned into IOUs after the first night, so be warned).

I was in country for about 2 hours before my friend, who by all accounts could be you, took us to the bar district. By Hour 3, I was partially disrobed, which was the beginning of what became known as the, "can I get you a drink or a handjob" routine. The girls aren't shy and they're quick to locate a wet nap, so the normal administrative requirements that go into this chain of events were provided for you. This went on for hours and hours, the bars became a blur, grinding nakedly on the dance floor while the girls marveled over our contraband assbeads which provided some form of grand entertainment, and the biggest purchasing needs became the lotion to ease the chaffing after the girls (who were akin to baby birds trying to get food from the mother) continually pulled your cockskin, wrapped napkins around it to play tug-of-war, and affixed drinking straws to it (don't ask me why), etc.

By the end of the night, after 5 or 6 am, it was time to hobble home, with all that's left in the pocket being a few pesos, which were used to distract the little gum-selling street urchins long enough to stumble back into the hotel lobby. The next afternoon turned evening was the same, this time I learned to pre-print IOUs and have them prepared to hand out to friends in order to expedite the credit approval and get my drinks and girlie attentions. Titties were everywhere, blow job shot demonstrations became the norm, and full-service hotel massages were the period at the end of the sentence.

Oh, and you can go to some restaurants and order homos off the menu.
The Playboy


Name Playmate
Playmate@usa.com View 396

Title  Pickup line of the day

Dear Playboy,
I’ve been reading your letters and i just love it.
I’ve just arrived in Korea and will like to know some pickup lines in KOREAN that has worked for you or other friends.
Cheers mate,

Thanks, man...I appreciate the comments. Unfortunately, I don't know of any nor use any pickup lines, per se. However, I do have some tricks for meeting the hotties. Check these out-

1. Get a big dog. A friendly one is preferred. Girls here are typically scared to death of big dogs, but this works both ways. If you own a big dog, they will flock to you because it's such an attention getter. As long as it won't remove any of her appendages, it's a guaranteed conversation piece and icebreaker. If you can't afford one, keep one in your place, or take care of it, borrow one. I rent mine out to friends all the time for a small fee.

2. Learn Korean...you don't need to be fluent, just make a valiant effort. If you do, then you can talk to girls via several methods. Here's a few:

- Hide your watch and mobile phone. Go up to the chick and ask her for the time (in Korean, of course). She'll be intrigued that you speak a little Korean and that's your stepping stone, you can then talk about where you learned the language, how long you've been here, what you're doing here, you can play age guessing games and whatnot...it's a lot of fun. Oh, and she'll give you the time, as well. This is the "I've been here a while, know the lingo, smart guy approach". A winner every time.

- Get a subway map and tap the girl on the shoulder in the train. Ask (in Korean or English) how you go from here to there. Again, she will hopefully try to help and then that will lead into the how long you've been here, what you're doing here, you can play age guessing games and whatnot...etc. This is the classic "dumb, new guy approach". Proven success.

3. Or, if that's all too much, just get drunk all the time and hang out at that seedy, puke smelling, spunk-on-the-carpet hole called The Loft...classy ambience, stellar women, fine German food and beer, and you can earn a free pitcher if you can spot the grizzled panda behind the bar (it moves around without a leash, so you gotta be quick).

Hope that helps,
The Playboy

stella 2005.01.13 12:31  
  go to hell
철수 2005.01.13 13:06  
  양키들 부럽네!
철수뭐냐! 2005.01.13 13:12  
  당췌 뭐하는 사람이더냐.저런 white trash 부러워 하는너는 그보다도 훨씬 못하다는 소린데...참..당신 불쌍하오...왜 당신같은 인간이 한글을 쓰면서 살아가시오..참..당신 불쌍하오..혹 알려주시오..당신같은 인간 구제하는 모금함있나..내가 돈 내니라..풉풉..
고려방 2005.01.13 13:16  
  한국 여성들, 아직은 괜찮아요, 이 정도에 흥분하나요 ? 일부가 그렇다는 것이지. 그렇다면 일본 여성, 태국 여성들은 완전히 ** 인가.
지나가다 2005.01.13 15:00  
  일부? ㅋㅋㅋ 혹시나 영어학원에라도 가보면 금방 느낄건데...한국에 계신 존경스런 백인 영어강사들이 최소한 년간 너댓의 한국여자들을 로테이션하는데... 대략 짐작으로도 수만은 족히 나오는데...한국에 계신 백인영어강사에게 물어보시오 여자친구있는가? 일부라?ㅋㅋㅋ
가은 2005.01.13 18:47  
  파티를 열엇다고 하는거와 영어를 가르치고 이런걸로 봐서는 오늘 신문에 난 그거 인가봅니다.. 세계일보에 '【화제】한국여성 비하 외국인 비밀파티 열었다? ' 이런 기사가 낫던데...이거랑 관련이 있는거 같네요
아부지 2005.01.13 20:18  
  씁쓸하군여. 대학나온 외국인들은 들어와서 몇천만원씩 벌면서 유희를 즐기다가 가고..정작 자기들 나라에선 대우받는 직장 가지지고 못하는 사람들이 대다수일건데..
김삿갓 2005.01.13 22:57  
  쩝쩝  입맛이 쓰구랴 세계어느나라가도 동남아시아 포함 일본역시 한국도그럴진데 양키들 하는것보면 밥맛다라나 그놈들하는거보면 상투적인 수법이 빤히 보이는데도 여자들은무엇이 좋은지 같이웃는모습보니 우리나라도덕심이 사라진거같구요  그놈의 영어가뭔지 흐이구  한심하요.......
한ㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇ예로양키들이 아부지님 말슴대로 직장없는 함심한인간만이 한국에 옵니다.....
진짜배기는 관광만 하고가는경우만잆슴...허누대 멀정 파란눈 피부색 허연녀석만 보면 미치는 속없는여자들 나무라야돠겠죠..깜상이나 동남아시아 남자는 쳐다보지않는것이 한국의여자나 태국에있는 여자나 다 똑같은거 같아요..그놈의 영어나 피부색누런게 가슴팍팍 기막혀라
진짜양키는 그런작업 않한다는게 맞구요  그놈이 잘난게 아니라 우리가 못난거아닌가뵈  쩝쩝 입맛쓰구랴
초코땡 2005.01.14 00:26  
  일부 라고요?  대략 우리나라에 들어와 있는 서양남자들 주변에는 수십명씩은 맘 먹으면  가능할껄요... 
태국여자들 동양남자나 서양이나 다 똑같이 돈받고 상대 하죠...  일본여자들 그들은 자국남자나 외국남자나..  자유롭죠

우리나라 여자처럼 오로지 서양남자에게만 쉽게 넘어가는 여자들이 어딨어요  아무 대가도 없이.. 그냥... 
이게 속상하다는 겁니다.
하로동선 2005.01.14 03:48  
  잘 모르겠지만 이건 우리나라 여자들 탓만이 아닐겁니다. 그리고 일부도 아닌것같고요. 그들이 마음만 먹는다면 성공률은 꽤 높아질겁니다. 그들은 우리의 약점을 파고 드는 것 같은 느낌이고... 우리 남자들이야 그런 제안을 받을 기회가 없으니 뭐라 말하기 어렵고... (이런 것도 기회라고하나요?)
알게머냐? 2005.01.14 21:56  
NP_NG 2005.01.18 17:23  
  서양이던 동양이던, 흰색이던 검정색이던, 서로가 진실한 마음을 가지고 사랑의 행위를 한다면 건 아름다울것이고, 단지 영어를 배우기 위한 쉬운 방법의 한가지로서 저러한 행동을 한다면, 그런 분들께는 대략 할말 없고, 한국여자들을 노리개로 생각하는 고런 쳐죽일 백인남에게 바보마냥 생각없이, 저 사람이 날 진짜로 사랑하는구나 속는 여자는 혼나야돼는거져~ 정신 차리셔야져~
나다! 2005.01.20 04:38  
  졸라 이놈 한심한놈이네.... 어느나라놈인지 그렇게 생각하고있는게 불쌍할따름이다....인간이 되어라....
ㅎㅎ 2005.01.23 02:14  
  놀구있네 열라뻔한수법이잖아 ㅎㅎ
심안 2005.02.12 20:50  
  저.. 양키랑 자는거 좋아하는 한국여자분들께... 당부드리고 싶은건... 돈이라도 좀 받고 주무세요... 자기 돈 내고 호텔가진 마시구요... 외화라도 벌수 있고.. 그나마 덜 무시당할것 같습니다.
나도 한마디 2005.05.02 13:45  
  아마 영어권 백인 남성에 대한 한국 여자들의 막연한 동경이 저런식으로 들어난거 같은데, 같은여자로서 창피해요. 하지만, 영화나 드라마 각종매체에서 백인남성은 친절하고 예의바르고 가정적이며 자상한 이상적인 사람으로 보여져 왔기때문에 나역시 백인남성은 동경의 대상이였거든요.  위 사이트와 고발 프로그램을 보고 이제 그 환상에서 벗어났지만...  많은 여자들이 그 환상에서 벗어날수 있도록 그들의 그늘진 모습도 보여줬으면합니다
저런 얘기가 나온것이 한국여자들이 너무 이상해서라기 보단,  백인우월주의에다가 영어에 미친사회등 여러가지
이유가 있을테니까....  너무 한.국.여.자.들이란 시각으로 보지마셨음 합니다.
글쎄 2005.05.29 19:12  
  어디가나 정신나간 사람들은 있게 마련인데, 꼭 이슈화된 내용삼아 한국여자가 어쩌고 저쩌고 하는 게 우습군요. 정신나간 여자도 있고 정신나간 남자도 있고, 정신나간 백인도 있고 괜찮은 백인도 있고, 어디가나 마찬가지지,