뜨랑 폭탄테러 1명 사망 , 6명 부상

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뜨랑 폭탄테러 1명 사망 , 6명 부상

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Bomb blast stuns Trang

Two men suspect on CCTV

Two men suspect on CCTV

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One killed as explosion rocks market in south; CCTV captures suspects' images.

A rare explosion at a market in the southern province of Trang left one person dead and seven others injured yesterday.

Authorities denied any links between the deadly explosion and insurgency in the southern border region. They pointed to business conflict as a possible motive.

Hunt was on for a man suspected of placing a bag containing an improvised bomb and leaving it at a pavilion located about 800 metres from the Provincial Hall, Government Spokesman Maj-General Sansern Kaewkamnerd said. 

He said the incident had nothing to do with insurgency attacks in the deep South.

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has instructed local authorities to step up security at key locations to prevent a repeat of such violence, the spokesman said.

Yesterday's blast in Trang initially was found to have no connection with insurgency in the deep South, according to Defence Ministry spokesman Maj-General Kongcheep Tantrawanit.

He said security officials suspected business conflict between local residents to be the motive for the attack. 

The explosion occurred at the Centre Point afternoon market on Ruenrom Road in Muang district. Most of the victims were vendors waiting for the market to open in the evening.

Images of two suspects were captured on nearby CCTV cameras.

The dead man was identified as Picherd Wiriyanupappong, a 50-year-old vendor at the market. His wife, Wanthanee, 45, also a vendor, was injured in the chest.

Picherd is the younger brother of The Nation's Sport Editor Preechachan Wiriyanupappong, who said yesterday in Bangkok that his brother and Picherd's wife were at their stall in the market when the explosion occurred.

Preechachan, who was heading home, said his family was informed by local doctors that his brother had succumbed to injuries in his back. 

Police Major Sunan Sangsawat, the inspector of Trang district police station, said the explosion happened at Centre Point market, which is 100 metres from Trang Provincial Hall and opposite the Trang Provincial Election Commission Office.

He said police saw many injured people being assisted at the bomb site. 

Rescue services transported injured victims to a nearby hospital amid the chaos, and some areas were cordoned off for safety reasons.

Other injured victims were identified as Nattapong Sae Loei, 19, who sustained injuries to his leg and back; Wilairat Plongnangchai, 35, who was injured on her foot; and Hama Manlee, 44, who sustained a wounded knee. Supisa Pannara, 39, was wounded on her right thigh; Rampan Pha-ngam, 37, was injured on his back and waist, and Rungthip Kongpinitkij, 53, sustained wounds on her leg, hand and thigh.

Wanwimol Niamsom, 32, one of the traders who witnessed the incident, said the bomb exploded exactly at 3pm while traders were preparing to open their shops. 

It detonated at a pavilion where seven to eight people were sitting. 

"I saw people collapse on the ground and cry out in pain. I suspect the bomb was planted there and was detonated by a timer,'' Wanwimol said. 

Former prime minister Chuan Leekpai, who was an MP in the province for almost 50 years, said photos from the scene were terrifying. He said Trang province had never encountered such violence before, adding that he would visit the area today to give moral support to residents.

Trang Governor Dejrath Simsiri yesterday said the area that was hit was supposed to open at 6pm as a walking street, which would allow shops to occupy three out the road's four lanes, leaving only one lane for traffic.

He said experts were currently investigating the nature of the bomb, and trying to determine if the attack was meant to inflict casualties or sow chaos. He added that he did not think it was a terrorist attack.

Dejrath added that all the wounded victims were being treated and in stable condition. 

The governor also urged the public to have patience as the case is being investigated. 

"We cannot identify the culprits behind this bombing yet, and we have to wait for officers to look at all the evidence and conclude the investigation. There are many witnesses," he added.

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태국 휴양지서 2차례 폭발사고…최소 1명 사망·19명 부상

외교부 "현재 한국인 피해 없어"…부상자 중 외국인 7명 포함

  • 기사입력 : 2016년08월12일 11:20
  • 최종수정 : 2016년08월12일 11:20
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[뉴스핌=이영태 기자] 태국 해변 휴양지 후아힌에서 11일 밤(현지시각) 폭발 사고가 발생해 1명이 죽고 19명이 부상당했다.

태국 수도 방콕에서 약 200㎞ 떨어진 휴양도시 후아힌에서 11일(현지시각) 밤 연쇄 폭탄사고가 발생해 1명이 숨지고 최소 19명이 부상당했다. 사진은 폭발 공격이 벌어진 가게 모습.<사진=BBC/뉴시스>

외교부는 12일 "주재국 경찰 등을 통해 우리 국민 피해여부를 확인중이며 한국시각으로 오늘 오전 10시 현재 우리 국민의 피해는 없다"고 밝혔다.

아울러 "관광객과 현지 교민들에게 이번 폭탄폭발 발생 사실을 문자 및 홈페이지 등을 통해 알리고 신변 안전에 유의할 것을 당부했다"고 전했다.

현지 언론과 로이터통신 등에 따르면 태국 경찰은 11일 오후 10시20분쯤 방콕에서 약 200㎞ 떨어진 해변 휴양지 후아힌에 위치한 리조트에서 2차례 소형 폭발물이 터지면서 1명의 여성 사망자와 19명의 부상자가 발생했다고 밝혔다.

사망한 여성은 태국인이며 부상자 중엔 외국인도 7명 포함돼 있는 것으로 전해졌다. 부상자들은 현재 후아힌의 한 병원에서 치료를 받는 중이다. 사고가 발생한 곳이 인기 높은 관광지인 데다 발생 시점이 시리낏 왕비 탄생일을 기념하는 공휴일을 하루 앞둔 때여서 사상자가 많이 발생한 것으로 분석됐다.

앞서 같은 날 오전 태국 남부 뜨랑 주에서도 한 차례 폭발이 발생해 6명이 부상당했다. 태국 경찰은 뜨랑 주와 후아힌에서 발생한 폭발사고 사이에 연관성이 있을 것으로 보고 있다.

한편 외교부는 전날 캄보디아에서 발생한 한국인 총격 피살과 관련, "정확한 사건 경위를 파악 중"이라고 밝혔다.

외교부는 이날 오후 입장을 내고 "10일(현지시간) 저녁 캄보디아 깐달주 소재 콤프레이로카(프놈펜 남쪽 30㎞ 지점)에서 우리 국민 1명이 총에 맞아 사망했다"며 "주(駐) 캄보디아 대사관은 사건 접수 즉시 담당 영사를 현장에 파견해 정확한 사건 경위를 파악 중"이라고 전했다. 사망한 한국인은 50대 남성으로 전해졌다. 

[뉴스핌 Newspim] 이영태 기자 (medialyt@newspim.com)

가자가자454 2016.08.12 18:38  
kenkal 2016.08.14 21:04  
저희는 내일태국으로 넘어가는데 무서워요 ㅠ
kenkal 2016.08.14 21:04  
담주쯤 들릴예정이엇는데 무섭네요....
스네어 2016.08.16 16:34  
이런.. 매년발생하네요..ㅜ.ㅠ