파타야 구글맵 - mymap 정리 모음
파타야한인업소 https://goo.gl/SyBNt7
파타야썽태우노선도 https://goo.gl/3Jyun8
파타야호텔 https://goo.gl/hiekZg
파타야 골프장 https://goo.gl/WJg51n
แผนที่เมืองพัทยา และอาณาเขตโดยรอบ
พัทยา, นาเกลือ, นาจอมเทียน https://goo.gl/xSchYn
http://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/member.php?u=11091 https://goo.gl/PNo1Dq
Map of Pattaya in Thailand https://goo.gl/qpBYr4
Map showing North, Central, South, Naklua, Pratumnak, Jomtien and Na Jomtien in the Pattaya area. Plus Pattaya nightlife zones, beaches, and other points of interest in Pattaya. https://goo.gl/LKH3Te 강추
Pattaya Agogo Bars, Beer Bars - Soi 7-8 https://goo.gl/1SlBxY 워킹 북쪽
Walking Sreet Agogo Bars, Discos & Restaurants https://goo.gl/JtLOMo 워킹
Ladyboy related bars, gogos, shows, massage shops, ladyboy friendly hotels, and other venues. https://goo.gl/H6HOQ0
POI base on Coolpurin's POI https://goo.gl/34OJ6G
Pattaya,Chonburi區景點地圖 https://goo.gl/oQc6UH
芭堤雅 Pattaya https://goo.gl/qhHPUQ
ステイタイランド パタヤマップ https://goo.gl/cyrYBE 호텔 골프장
泰國旅遊地圖 https://goo.gl/Wtmrbw 싸멧 파타야 방콕
구글맵 포인트 지도 중에서 자료가 쓸만한거 위주로 올렸습니다. 나라별로 너무 난잡하게 중복되는게 많아서 관심있는 지역과 주제만 보시면 됩니다.