2007년 1월 이후 푸켓 홀리데이인 일요일 부페 메뉴 안내

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2007년 1월 이후 푸켓 홀리데이인 일요일 부페 메뉴 안내

International Cuisine Buffet

Cocktail Starter
Mexican chicken tortillas with guacamole
Spicy Prawns Ceviche
Rock lobster meat with Thai herbs in shell
Fresh Salad Roll with Smoked Salmon
Chicken galantine with eggplant mousse
Seared Carpaccio of Beef with Chilli, Ginger, Radish and
Asian style tofu salad
Lebanese tabouleh salad
White Cannolli bean salad with Tuna
Spicy Korean Kimchi salad
Assorted Ham (farmer, black forest, Parma style)with
cucumber,onion pickle and olives.
Grilled Shitate Mushroom with Balsamic Olive Oil
Vietnam Fresh Spring Rolls
Green papaya Salad
Celery Remoulad
Rellettes (Pork)

On ice
Sugar cured salmon with tomato relish
Cod carpaccio with pesto oil
Blue local crabs
Marinated mussels with vinegar and herbs
Oyster from Surat Thani
Fresh Lemons, Limes, Horseradish and Capers

Green salad From Chiang-Mai
Red Leave
Ice Berge
Romaine lettuce
Radichio Red and White
Mixed greens

Dressings & Condiments
Sweet chilli, lime and lemongrass
Roasted sesame dressing,
Lemon olive Thousand island,
Balsamic Vinaigrette, Caesar Dressing and Croutons
Parmesan Cheese and Crispy Bacon
French dressing, Thai chilli and lemon
Tomato Salsa and Guacamole Sambal Belacan
Toasted Pine Nuts and Vegetable Pickle
Pickled green chilli in soy
Crushed toasted peanuts,
Roasted rice powder
Olives x 4, Vinegar and oil,Mustard English, pommier
and horseradish

Soupe De Poisson
Vegetable Soup with Tofu Mined Pork

Live Cooking Stations
Food Warmer
Pizza - Chicken Satay
Wok - Samosa
- Mussels Marinieres
- Chicken Gordon Blue
Tendoori - Marinated chicken with curry
- Fish Tikka
- Papadam, naan, roti, mango chutney, onion
- Lentil curry
Griddle - Minute steak sauce poivre ( green peppercone
sauce )

Carving Roasted crispy pork leg German style
Crispy whole chicken German style

Korean Stir Fried
- Pork Slices Vegetables
- Chicken Slices - Carrot - White Cabbage
- Prawns - Leek - Spring Onion
- Beef Slices - Celery - Ginger
- Squid
- Mussels

Hot Dishes
Foie de veau lyonnaise
Fried fish steaks with tomato sauce (vietnam)
Chicken with green curry sauce
Daube de boeuf ( beef stew provencale)
Stir-fried pork with oyster sauce and mushrooms
Fried potatoes with fresh herbs
Steamed mixed vegetables
Paella rice with seafood, chicken and chorizo

Risotto of chicken and spinach
Penne with beef ragout and parmesan
Linguine with carrot pesto or basil pesto

Bread 4 types
Turkish Bread and French bread
Grissini Sticks, Naan Breads and Roti
Pita Bread and Lavash Pretzels

Steamed bananas in Coconut Milk
Lime syrup Pudding
Parisiene Cream in glass
Chocolate mousse
Floating islands w vanilla sauce
Mini fruit tartlets

Whole Cakes and Tarts
Lemon cheesecake
Fruit layer w crispy sweet pastry
Pecan nut pie
Chocolate charlotte
Strawberry mousse
Thai Coconut Sweets
Assorted chocolate cookies
Fresh Fruit salad
Selection of Ice Creams
Coconut Jalousie