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드디어 기다려왔던 항공편이 확정되어 안내드리겠습니다.

아래글은 캄보디아 항공청 뉴스를 퍼온 것입니다.

CAMBODIA AIRPORTS                                                                                                  OCTOBER 2011 ISSUE<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Cambodia Angkor Air schedules regular liaisons to Sihanoukville and

opens up the Kingdoms coastal area

Cambodia’s national flag carrier announced that, following a meeting of shareholders held on September 23, it was stepping up its domestic routes by opening a new liaison between Siem Reap and Sihanoukville. The launch of the thrice-weekly scheduled flights is due this coming December 14. Cambodia Angkor Air will operate an ATR-72 aircraft on this route.

The national carrier states that the shareholders’decision to further developing its opera-tions and services, especially adding flights to Sihanouk-ville, is “in harmonywith the Royal Govern-ment of Cambodia’s vision for promoting the tourism industry in the Kingdom of Cambodia. Cam­bodia Angkor Air’s commitment to infrastructure development and in response to increased demand of domestic and international air tra-velers.”

The expansion plan also includes:

• Launch in December of sched­uled flights between Siem Reap and Seoul (South Korea);

• The addition of one more A-321 in the fleet to raise the total to 4 aircraft (two ATR-72s and two A-321s);

• Expansion of the fleet to 15 air­craft and launch of new routes to Japan, China, South Korea and throughout the ASEAN region in the next coming years.

Established in 2009, Cambodia Angkor Air made its maiden flights on July 27 the same year, with one ATR bound to Siem Reap (the city home to the UNESCO World Heri­tage Angkor archaeological tem­ples park) while the second aircraft flew to Sihanoukville (the Kingdom’s deep sea port and main resort town).  Cooperation between the national carrier and Cambodia Airports, the concessionaire of Phnom Penh, Siem Reap and Sihanouk interna­tional airports had rapidly gained momentum.  Mr Emmanuel MENANTEAU, CEO of Cambodia Airports, highlights the spirit of cooperation between the two companies, especially in the view of the coming flights to Sihanoukville: “The international airports fully support Cambodia Angkor Air and having the na­tional carrier flying to Sihanouk International Airport is definitely a key asset to develop the infra­structure. Also, Regular flights to Sihanoukville heralds a new era for the Kingdom’s tourism landscape; Cambodia is to become a global tourism destination with a com­plete range of offers from heritage to leisure and eco-tourism.”

Sihanouk International Airport was re-commissioned in 2007 after it had been incorporated in the net­work of international airports man­aged by Cambodia Airports. Follow­ing a major overhauling, including the doubling of the terminal ca­pacity (to accommodate 700,000 passengers per annum) and the extension of the runway to 2,500 meters from 1,400 meters, it was declared international in 2010 and has been fully operational.  In the view of promoting the coast­al area and Sihanoukville, Cambo­dia Airports, in close partnership with the Ministry of tourism, lo­cal hotel operators (Sokha Hotels and Resorts) resort develo-pers and other stakeholders, have organized a series of Fa­miliarization Trips. Over a period of two years, tour operators (TO) and media from South Korea, Japan, France, Chi­na and Malaysia have been intro­duced to the sea & sun market opportunities in Cambodia.  Impacts and returns following the Fam Trips have been promising. Mode Tour, a key player of the South Korean travel industry, sells package tours including stays in Sihanoukville while other TOs have expressed interest in taking the same path, especially when car-riers operate scheduled flights.

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Scheduled flights to Sihanoukville are contributing to raise Cambodia’s tourism

수년전 시하눅빌 인근 캄폿의 복코산에 추락하여 22명의 인명피해가

있었던 항로였습니다만, 그 당시와는 완전히 상황이 바뀌었습니다.

공항은 확장, 개량, 개선되었고 항공기도 유럽에서 단거리로 가장 각광받는

ATR-72 터보플롭 신기종으로 안전도가 가장 좋은 것이구요!

우리 여행자분들이 550킬로 육로를 통해 방문하였던 해변 휴양도시 시하눅빌!

참 좋은 곳입니다만, 교통편이 열악하여 방문을 꺼렸으니

오는, 12월 14일 부터 매주 3편(월, 수, 금)

14:10 시엠립 출발 15: 20 시하눅빌 도착 

15:50 시하눅빌 출발 17:00 시엠립 도착스캐줄입니다.

올 12월 31일까지는 오픈기념 프로모션으로 편도 100$, 왕복 200$이며

내년 2012년 1월부터는 편도 130$, 왕복은 260$로 판매합니다.

우리 여행자들이야 주로 편도를 이용하시고, 꺼꽁국경을 통해 태국으로

넘어가는 루트를 추천드립니다.

참고하셔서 유적탐방에 힘드셨을 심신을 원시자연이 그대로 남아있는

시하눅빌의 한적한 해변에서 릴렉스를 즐기시기 바랍니다.
죽림산방 2011.10.27 15:36  
드뎌 생기는군요.....
그래도 슬리핑 버스가..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
현석 2011.10.27 19:45  
또 모 여행사가 ? 선두로  상품개발한다고 하겠군요....
몇년전에  항공기추락사고로  운명을 달라하신분들의  영혼도 아직  자리를 잡지 못하셨을것 같은데.....

바푸온으로 들어가는 공중다리를 건너면서  환화게 웃던  당시 가이드가 생각이 나네요...
SunTattoo 2011.10.28 00:00  
요즘 시하누크에 한국사람들 많이보이던데 시즌엔 더북적이겠군요...
리차드권 2011.10.28 09:57  
아무래도 직항이 뜨게되면 한국인뿐만아니라, 관광객들이 더욱 늘어나겠지요.
잘 지내시지요? 늘 건강하시기 바랍니다.
앙코르지아지킴이 2011.10.31 10:05  
직항 생기내요...반가운 소식 이내요

suntattoo님 뵈러 가야 겠내요........시원한 호프 한잔해요

님 가계 위치 약도 한번 부탁드립니다

만나는날까지 건강 하세요
김태형 2011.10.31 11:18  
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