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뎅기열방역이 라오스 내각 회의의 최대 의제

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Dengue fever prevention tops cabinet meeting agenda
Prime Minister Thongsing Thammavong has instructed the Ministry of Health and a national committee on epidemic prevention and control to exert greater efforts to fight the current dengue fever outbreak.
The request came after the dengue death toll rose to 50 people with another reported 14,000 cases as of June 25.
Chaired by Mr Thongsing, the meeting ended on Tuesday and was attended by the cabinet members.
The Premier told the Ministry of Health and the committee to invest greater attention in follow up and surveillance of the dengue outbreak, a press release from the Government Office said.
In addition, he advised the cabinet members to attend the National Assembly (NA)'s fifth ordinary session scheduled to open on July 8 and be prepared to answer any questions put by NA members.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry was asked to work with the relevant sectors to prepare neccessary conditions to boost rice and other crop yields this rainy season and to work out precautionary measures to handle any unexpected flooding or prolonged dry spells.
The cabinet instructed the Vientiane authority to speed up public compensation for the remaining 213 plots of land along both sides of the 450 Year Road.
This road was built by the government in 2010 and was viewed as the most modern road in Vientiane. Its construction marked the 450th anniversary of Vientiane as the Lao capital. Built under the government's ‘Convert Property into Capital' initiative, people were required to give up their land along both sides of the road to accommodate development requirements.
Since the compensation payments began, the occupiers of only 232 parcels of land have received payouts. Compensation has yet to be paid for an additional 213 plots.
In this regard, the cabinet asked the authority to work closely with the families affected to figure out how the compensation could be paid within an appropriate timeframe.
The cabinet approved in principle a draft Prime Ministerial Decree that allows the use of money earned from healthcare services provided by state hospitals and healthcare centres for the purchase of medical equipment, medicines and supporting allowances for medical officials.
The meeting also adopted a labour recruitment plan, which outlines measures to supply sufficient workers for the domestic labour market and address unemployment issues.
Members of the cabinet shared ideas to develop a draft Presidential Ordinance on State Debt Management, presented by the Ministry of Finance. The meeting also approved a draft Prime Ministerial Decree on State Saving.
By Times Reporters
(Latest Update June 27, 2013)
얼짱티노 2013.07.15 11:55  
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