Weather and Price materrials in Sapa(2)

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Weather and Price materrials in Sapa(2)

suwon 4 1949

Now, I enjoy song of birds,valley views,sunny days in Sapa

****** Hotel Tip ******

There are many hotel with balcony.

Cheap hotels have a good valley view.

You can find  it out  if you move slowly in the  Sapa's moring .

The Royal view hotel protect their views of Queen hotel ,Auberge hotel.

Queen hotel, Auberge hotel has bad views.

++++++ Royal View restaurant+++++

for breakfast

bread -----0.65$
cake -----0.65$~1 $

juice ------1.5$
coffee ------0.7$

****** Mountain View restaurant ********

breakfast set menu ------ 25,000 dong ~35,000 dong


BBQ ----- 40,000dong

****** Wine & Chocolat(a store next to Royal hotel) *****

soap(enchanter) -----12,500 dong(I buy the same product in Hanoi and the same price in Sapa)

Ice cream -------10,000 dong

yorgurt ------ 3,000 dong

******* fruits store (in the market) *******

apple(1piece) ------- 4,000 ~5,000 dong (pay by weight)
banana (16 piece. a pack of banana) ------- 7,000 ~ 8.000 dong
suwon 2006.05.18 14:40  
  Royal view hotel is and royal hotel is in Sapa

Royal view hotel is next to royal hotel
suwon 2006.05.18 20:59  
  In Sapa,

It is cool in the night, warm in the moring, hot in the afternoon today.
suwon 2006.05.18 21:02  
  You can rent a autobike in Sapa
suwon 2006.05.18 21:24  
  The SP1/2 Train's price is 212,000 dong.

***** air -con,soft bed,bottom bed ******