[운남성] 원모 토림

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[운남성] 원모 토림

Naresuan 0 3994
The Earth Forest in Yuanmou
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The Earth Forest (Tulin) in Yuanmou, a provincial class scenic spot is made up of five areas, covering an area of 50 sq km. It was formed by geological movement and soil erosion one or two million years ago. It is named for its shape like immense forest and the main composition of the expansion earth.

The whole landscape of the Soil Forest in Yuanmou is mainly castle, screen, curtain and column, including the highest about 40 meters and very grand.

The " Yuanmou Man " exhibition hall at the central city town, exhibits the fossils of the unearthed ancient ape and the ancient human being all over the country. The " Yuanmou Man " relic is at the Dayieniao village in the Laochengxiang.

Yuanmou is about 200 kilometers from Kunming. You can take train (No. 66, No. 548) there, or you can take reghar bus at the bus station in Kunming.

There is nowhere to stay at the forest, but Yunmou itself has quite a few options with beds from 25 to 50 yuan.

Buses depart from Yuanmou for the Earth Forest.In summer you usually do the last leg in a donkey cart.

(China.org.cn June 23, 2008)

* 출처 : http://www.china.org.cn/travel/gallery/2008-06/23/content_15875203.htm