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현재까지 92명 사망했습니다

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금년,  댕기열 감염자 48,000 명중에 현재까지 92명이 사망하였답니다.
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다음은 ASIA NEWS NETWORK 지 인터넷판에 http://www.asianewsnet.net/news-51732.html 올라 온 글 입니다.
Publication Date : 17-09-2013
Dengue fever has killed 92 people in Laos this year and infected more than 48,000 as the rainy season finally nears its end.

Figures recorded from January 1 to September 15 show that in Vientiane alone, more than 16,000 people contracted dengue fever resulting in 25 deaths.

Head of the Vientiane Health Department Epidemiology Division,  Dr Chanthalay Xayavong, told Vientiane Times infection rates had stabilised.

“However, people from all walks of life should continue to clear potential mosquito breeding grounds,” he said.

Chanthalay said medical staff from the department and all nine district hospitals in the capital still held daily meetings to evaluate the current dengue situation.

Flushing out all possible mosquito breeding grounds still remains the most effective way to fight the spread of the virus, he noted.

Measures that can be undertaken include emptying containers that may collect standing water and clearing any thick bush near houses or offices. Sleeping under a mosquito net can also prevent people from being bitten.

Chanthalay also advised people to see a doctor if they fall ill rather than simply buying medicine from a pharmacy.

“Most deaths occurred because people went to the hospital too late, after the virus had already developed,” said Vientiane Health Department Deputy Director, Dr Phonepaseuth Ounaphom. .

Laos has been one of the worst-hit countries in the region this year. Cambodia has seen nearly 13,000 reported cases of dengue and 40 deaths, while 35 people have died in Malaysia out of more than 18,000 infected.

In Singapore nearly 15,000 people have been infected, while a minor outbreak was also reported in Yunnan province, China, last month.

The Philippines has been worst hit by the virus, with more than 96,000 cases reportedly leading to 372 deaths.
