International Overland Border Crossings

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International Overland Border Crossings

Naresuan 1 2757

Cambodia: International Overland Border Crossings

The Thai crossing at Poipet is the most accessible to Siem Reap; the Thai crossing at Koh Kong and the Vietnamese crossing at Phnom Den give international access to southern Cambodia; and the Vietnamese crossings at Moc Bai and Chau Doc are most convenient to Phnom Penh.


Crossings with Thailand

1. Aranyaprathet, Thailand/Poipet, Cambodia (Most direct access to Siem Reap)

2. Hat Lek, Thailand/Koh Kong, Cambodia (Cham Yeam Checkpoint) (Most direct access to Sihanoukville)
3. Chong Jom, Thailand/O'Smach, Cambodia
4. Chong Sa Ngam, Thailand/Anlong Veng, Cambodia
5. Ban Pakard, Chantaburi, Thailand/Phsar Prom Pailin, Cambodia
6. Ban Laem, Chantaburi, Thailand/Daun Lem, Battambang, Cambodia


Crossings with Vietnam
7. Bavet Checkpoint: Moc Bai, Vietnam/Bavet, Cambodia (To/from Phnom Penh)
8. Ving Xuong, Vietnam/Kaam Samnor, Cambodia ("The Chau Doc Crossing") (To/from Phnom Penh)

9. Tinh Bien, Vietnam/Phnom Den, Takeo, Cambodia (To/from Phnom Penh or Kampot/Kep)

10. Trapeang Phlong Border Pass: Xa Mat, Vietnam/Trapeang Phlong, Kampong Cham, Cambodia

11. Xa Xia, Vietnam/Prek Chak, Cambodia (Ha Tien crossing)

12. Trapaing Sre (Kratie)-Bonue (Binh Phuoc)


Crossings with Laos
12. Voeung Kam, Laos/Dong Krolor Cambodia


리마 2009.11.03 16:47  
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