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- 태국에 대한 각 정보는 태국게시판으로 들어가세요.
- 라오스 지도 사이트 <호보맵>

헌옷 golden temple villa 에도 맡기서도 됩니다.

미싱 0 2206

요즘 생각하고 있는 일에 대해서 어쩌구 저쩌구 메일을 보냈더니,
성실하게 헌옷을 고아원이나 이런 곳에 나눠주겠다고 얘기하는군요.

골든템플빌라 방문하시는 분은 가는 길에
헌옷 챙겨가 보세요.



At fist am sorry for being very slow to reply to you .

Thank you very much for your email. we are all miss alot too .

Yes , that sound so nice to hear that about tyour pant , of cause if you can help you

to passt all that things to them . that is kind of big help for poor childs especialy

where at the country side . yes if you can fine some one that they going to cme to

cambodia . am difinetly delivery to the right poeple am relly glade to do that.

I really definetly search for some reallly need help.

and yes i will send your greeting to mr YEE.

You are very kind we all really wish you and your family all best .

Best6 regard LEE my family and all the staffs.
