Weather and Price materials in Sapa

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Weather and Price materials in Sapa

suwon 0 1846
" Wecome to Sapa"

I see  it at first glance in the road

It is cool and warm today

There are many western traveller and Vietnam's traveller and Honey

moon's couples in Sapa

There is  the ATM near the lake and a bank in Sapa

Here is internet cafe near the lake in Sapa

Internet is fast and good

Internet price is 4,000dong/1h

Sapa has a good view and a cascading rice terraces

If I open the window in hotel room,

I can see Mt. Fansipan summit and a lot of rice terraces



orange punch  -----1.8 $
cappucinno  ------1.2 $
main course -----below 6 $

b.baguette & chocolat

cake(1piece) ---- 15,000 dong
sandwiches  ------ 30,000~40,000 dong
shakes  ---- 18,000 ~ 20,000 dong

c.Trung Nguyen ( local coffe shop in Vietnam)

 coffee ----- 7,000 dong

d. store

lavie(1.5L)  ----- 10,000 dong
Lavie(1.5L) ------ 7,000 dong( in Hanoi)
