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베트남여행시 위조지폐주의

플라카 5 1889

초행인 나라의 경우 특히 심야에 택시 등 이용시 거스름돈은

받드시 일일히 확인필요...

길거리 환전상이나 택시기사가 국부 호치민의  모습이 담긴 진짜 돈 대신 사망한 친인척 조상의 그림이 그려진 가짜로 찍어낸 위폐거스름돈으로 초행인 관광객들을 농락하는 사건이 보도됨.

결론 " 최소한 그 나라지폐의 도안과 문양은 반드시 사전 확인하고 가야

아래 사진의 순박하게 생긴 스페인아미고처럼 사기당하는 일이 없음.

Initial media reports of two foreigners being cheated with joss paper earlier this week contained several errors, Hanoi authorities say.

The two foreigners who were cheated with joss paper as change in the capital city this week were Spanish, not French, and the fake money came from a taxi driver, not a cyclo driver as earlier reported, police said on Saturday. Miguel Angel Fernandez Lamelas and his girlfriend arrived in Hanoi on July 15. The day after, the couple took a ride with Tran Van Phong, 29, from a restautant to their hotel in Long Bien District at around 7 p.m. for VND37,000 ($1.62). They gave Phong a VND500,000 ($21.84) note and he returned them with VND900,000 in joss paper, which is usually burnt as offerings for deceased relatives in Vietnam, investigation found. The tourists said they hadn’t noticed how much the change was because it was dark. They said it was the first time they were visiting the country, so they were not able to distinguish between the ‘real’ paper money and joss paper. It was only a day later, when they used the money to pay Huu Phuc, another taxi driver, that they realized they’d been cheated and given joss paper. Phuc shared the tourists’ story on his Facebook page, prompting tourism officials and police officers to step in. Police are working on the case.

They are also investigating the tourists' report that they were charged VND1.5 million for a one-hour cyclo ride in Hanoi on Monday. It is said that the normal rate ranges between VND100,000 and VND300,000 per person per hour. Earlier media reports said the cyclo driver, Nguyen Van Chinh, had given them the joss paper money. But Lamelas said Chinh simply used sign language to demand three VND500,000 note and did not give them any change. Hanoi welcomed more than three million foreign visitors in the first half of this year, up 26 percent from a year ago. 

월남으로간기린 2018.08.01 05:59  
중국도 위폐 문제가 많았지만 최근 전자결제가 활성화되는등 사회 발전에 따라 많이 좋아졌지요.
개인적으론 저런 일들 벌어질때마다 보면 베트남은 중국의 10-20년 더 뒤쳐진 다운그레이드 버젼이라는 생각이 듭니다.
홍삼님 2018.08.01 23:32  
베트남돈 프라스틱인데 구별 못하다니
따라리요 2018.08.25 02:27  
동남아 위조지폐문제는 매년 사그라들지 않는듯해요..... 항상 조심하는 수밖에
allforyou 2018.09.03 17:19  
아.. 이런건 봐도 구분이 안될것같아요 최대한 조심하는방법밖에는
풋내나는여행자 2018.09.04 12:20  
위조지폐라니 가늠할수잇은 팁이 있을까요?? 실제로 배트남 돈을 본적이없어서요.